AT&T Pebble Beach Pro Am

Thu 1st February 2024 (UTC)
Thu 1st February 2024 (Local)


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timezone flag 24-09-28 19:00 (CST Chicago)
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timezone flag 24-09-29 04:00 (GST Dubai)
timezone flag 24-09-29 05:30 (IST Kolkata)
timezone flag 24-09-29 09:00 (JST Tokyo)
timezone flag 24-09-29 10:00 (AEDT Sydney)


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PGA Tour




Pebble Beach Golf Links
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Video Highlights

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This tournament experience is truly unlike any other. Nowhere can you watch the world’s most elite players like Phil Mickelson and Jordan Spieth playing side by side with celebrities like Bill Murray and Kevin Costner. The AT&T Pro-Am at Pebble Beach is truly the most entertaining tournament on the PGA Tour. The “Crosby Clambake” was born in 1937 when Bing Crosby and his friends decided to have a pro-am. 10 years later it moved to Pebble Beach and has been a mainstay ever since. The tournament is played on a three-course rotation of Pebble Beach, Spyglass Hill, and Monterey Peninsula C.C. This allows patrons to see different golfers each of the first three days of the tourney, with the Championship Round, played at Pebble on Sunday. The world watches with adoration each February as A-list celebrities and top pros take on some of the most diverse and magnificent scenery in golf.


Result List
01 Wyndham Clark199

Result Description
After Final Round
Top 10 plus ties
Pos. /Player /To Par /R1 /R2 /R3 /Total

1 Wyndham Clark -17 72 67 60 199
2 Ludvig Åberg -16 68 65 67 200
3 Matthieu Pavon -15 65 70 66 201
T4 Mark Hubbard -14 69 68 65 202
T4 Thomas Detry -14 63 70 69 202
T6 Jason Day -13 69 71 63 203
T6 Tom Hoge -13 71 66 66 203
T6 Justin Thomas -13 68 67 68 203
T6 Scottie Scheffler -13 69 64 70 203
10 Sam Burns -12 68 69 67 204

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