HonorClub #49

Thu 1st February 2024 (UTC)
Thu 1st February 2024 (Local)


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timezone flag 24-09-28 19:00 (CST Chicago)
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timezone flag 24-09-29 04:00 (GST Dubai)
timezone flag 24-09-29 05:30 (IST Kolkata)
timezone flag 24-09-29 09:00 (JST Tokyo)
timezone flag 24-09-29 10:00 (AEDT Sydney)


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Brookshire Grocery Arena
(2,134 Attendance)

Video Highlights

Dark Match
Brady Booker vs. Elijah Drago

Tag Team Match
Spanish Announce Project (Angelico & Serpentico) vs. The Russells (Allen Russell & Kameron Russell)

Singles Match
Nyla Rose vs. Emmy Camacho

Six Man Tag Team Match
Braxton Hunter, Jon Cruz & KM vs. Iron Savages (Boulder & Bronson) & Jacked Jameson

Singles Match
Aaron Solo vs. Dalton Castle

ROH World Tag Team Title Proving Ground Match
Fred Rosser & Tom Lawlor vs. The Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett)

Singles Match
Slim J vs. Ethan Page

Singles Match
Billie Starkz vs. Killa Kate

Tag Team Match
The Infantry (Carlie Bravo & Shawn Dean) vs. The Righteous (Dutch & Vincent)

Singles Match
Queen Aminata vs. Reiza Clark

Singles Match
Gringo Loco vs. Bad Dude Tito

Four Corner Survival Match
Diamante vs. Kiera Hogan vs. Trish Adora vs. Red Velvet

Four Corner Survival Match
Blake Christian vs. Alex Zayne vs. Lee Johnson vs. Jack Cartwheel


Result List

Result Description
Dark Match
Elijah Drago defeats Brady Booker

Tag Team Match
Spanish Announce Project (Angelico & Serpentico) defeat The Russells (Allen Russell & Kameron Russell) (5:35)

Singles Match
Nyla Rose defeats Emmy Camacho (1:32)

Six Man Tag Team Match
Iron Savages (Boulder & Bronson) & Jacked Jameson defeat Braxton Hunter, Jon Cruz & KM (2:21)

Singles Match
Dalton Castle defeats Aaron Solo (3:18)

ROH World Tag Team Title Proving Ground Match
The Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) defeat Fred Rosser & Tom Lawlor (7:29)

Singles Match
Ethan Page defeats Slim J (6:12)

Singles Match
Billie Starkz defeats Killa Kate (2:40)

Tag Team Match
The Righteous (Dutch & Vincent) defeat The Infantry (Carlie Bravo & Shawn Dean) (6:36)

Singles Match
Queen Aminata defeats Reiza Clark (3:38)

Singles Match
Bad Dude Tito defeats Gringo Loco (7:08)

Four Corner Survival Match
Red Velvet defeats Diamante and Kiera Hogan and Trish Adora (4:02)

Four Corner Survival Match
Lee Johnson defeats Alex Zayne and Blake Christian and Jack Cartwheel (7:34)

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ROH 2024-02-01 HonorClub #49.mkv
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