Rock Bottom In Your House

Sun 13th December 1998 (UTC)


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(17,677 Attendance)

Video Highlights

Rock Bottom: In Your House was the twenty-sixth pay-per-view event produced by the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) in the In Your House series. It was presented by Hasbro Interactive's Glover for the Nintendo 64 and took place on December 13, 1998, at General Motors Place in Vancouver, British Columbia. The main event featured Stone Cold Steve Austin facing The Undertaker in a Buried Alive match for a spot in the 1999 Royal Rumble. The main match on the undercard was for the WWF Championship between The Rock and Mankind.

When The Nation split up, D'Lo Brown and Mark Henry were left as a tag team, with Henry's gimmick being that of the ladies man Sexual Chocolate. When Terri Runnels revealed she was pregnant, Val Venis admitted to having a vasectomy and disowned her, aligning himself with The Godfather by virtue of his pimp gimmick. Jacqueline had also been ditched by her partner Marc Mero and so she formed Pretty Mean Sisters with Runnels, putting their needs first and ostensibly being seduced by Mark Henry.

The Headbangers turned heel in November. The Oddities had come to the ring with Insane Clown Posse, who sung their entrance theme at the time and when The Headbangers came to the ring, they joined in dancing with the stable. However, after spraying silly string into the crowd, they then sprayed into the eyes of The Oddities and since then had been utilising weapons and other underhand tactics to win matches. Most notably, they challenged Insane Clown Posse to a match but the two asked The Oddities to substitute for them before the Posse attacked Oddities and helped The Headbangers win.

On September 28, Owen Hart (kayfabe) broke Dan Severn's neck with a piledriver. He announced the following week that he would retire from professional wrestling, however at exactly the same time a lucha libre type character started making appearances called The Blue Blazer. The Blazer was a gimmick of Hart's in the late '80s and this did not escape the fans, or the attention of Steve Blackman. The Blazer began to regularly interfere in matches, using moves that were associated with Hart and eventually Blackman caught up with The Blue Blazer backstage, trying to rip off his mask and prove that it was Hart. When he did this, however, Hart came at Blackman from behind and locked in his dragon sleeperhold. A variety of repeated attacks continued to occur, with The Blazer attacking Blackman, or Blackman attacking The Blazer only for Hart to use this as a distraction to further beat Blackman until on December 7 he officially came out of retirement to meet Blackman at the event.

On December 6's Sunday Night Heat, the sexually charged Goldust challenged Jeff Jarrett to a match in which, if he won, Jarrett's business-like valet Debra would have to strip naked. Jarrett accepted the match on the condition that without a valet, should Goldust lose he would have to do the same. The following evening on Raw, Goldust came to the ring in just a trenchcoat, flashing Jarrett and causing him to lose his match while later in the evening Debra would do the same to Goldust, but as his opponent Owen Hart was also distracted, it actually helped him win the match.

The feud for the WWF Championship began one month earlier when The Rock had won the WWF title in controversy at Survivor Series 1998 when he put Mankind in the Sharpshooter submission and Vince McMahon forced the referee to ring the bell, despite former promises McMahon had made to Mankind. Commissioner Shawn Michaels gave Mankind a match for the title when he revealed that his ties to The Corporation were not as secure as initially thought. Before the event, on Sunday Night Heat Mankind attacked the champion during an interview, damaging his ribs. Mankind, meanwhile, had a contract saying if the Championship was not defended then he would win it by default and throughout the evening McMahon tried to convince him to relinquish the contract.

Although initially a feud of respect, animosity between The Undertaker and Steve Austin arose when Austin lost his WWF Championship in an effective handicap match also including The Undertaker's (kayfabe) brother Kane. Despite both men being screwed at the Survivor Series tournament, Austin received a title match the next evening but amongst a myriad interferences from other wrestlers, The Undertaker came to the ring and hit Austin with a shovel. Despite continuing, Austin eventually passed out at a house show the following Saturday and was admitted into hospital. A live feed from the hospital was used in order for Austin to be interviewed on Raw is War, but during one of the interview segments The Undertaker arrived at the hospital with Paul Bearer, kidnapping him and attempting to bury him alive before changing his mind and embalming him instead. However, just as Undertaker was chanting ceremoniously, Kane burst in and attacked the two of them allowing Austin to make his escape. Wanting to further distance Austin from the WWF Championship, Mr McMahon capitalized on the rivalry between them, booking them in a Buried Alive match with the winner receiving a spot in the Royal Rumble. The mind games between the two intensified as the weeks went on, with Austin finding an unlikely ally in Kane, who was being chased by asylum orderlies, by directing them towards Undertaker and having him incarcerated, leaving Paul Bearer stranded and eventually thrown down a sewer and Undertaker retaliating the following week on December 7 by ending a tag team match, also featuring Mankind and Rock, by crucifying Austin in front of the TitanTron.


Result List

Result Description
Tag Team Match
D-Lo Brown & Mark Henry (with Jacqueline & Terri) defeat The Godfather & Val Venis (with Hos) (5:56)

Tag Team Match
The Head Bangers (Mosh & Thrasher) defeat The Oddities (Golga & Kurrgan) (with Giant Silva & Luna) (6:52)

Singles Match
Steve Blackman defeats Owen Hart by Count Out (10:28)

Six Man Tag Team Match
The Brood (Christian, Edge & Gangrel) defeat The JOB Squad (Al Snow, Bob Holly & Scorpio) (9:08)

Striptease Match
Goldust defeats Jeff Jarrett (with Debra) by DQ (8:02)

WWF World Tag Team Title Match
The New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn & The Road Dogg) (c) defeat Ken Shamrock & The Big Bossman (with Shawn Michaels) (17:04)

WWF World Heavyweight Title Match
Mankind defeats The Rock (with Shane McMahon & Vince McMahon) (c) by Referee's decision (13:32)

Buried Alive Match
Steve Austin defeats The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) (21:30)

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WWE 1998-12-13 Rock Bottom In Your House.mkv
WWE 1998-12-13 Rock Bottom In Your House.S1998E62.mkv
(Scraper) WWE 1998-12-13 Rock Bottom In Your House.mkv

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