API Data


Example JSON
[idLiveScore] => // ~9-digit dynamic api id (not useful)
[idEvent] => // ~7-digit event id
[strSport] => // "American Football"
[idLeague] => // "4391"
[strLeague] => // "NFL"
[idHomeTeam] => // 6-digit fixed NFL Team No.
[idAwayTeam] => // 6-digit fixed NFL Team No.
[strHomeTeam] => // Full name of the NFL Team
[strAwayTeam] => // Full name of the NFL Team
[strHomeTeamBadge] => // .PNG image file of the NFL Team's logo
[strAwayTeamBadge] => // .PNG image file of the NFL Team's logo
[intHomeScore] => // Home Team's numeric game's progress score
[intAwayScore] => // Away Team's numeric game's progress score
[intEventScore] => // (empty/unused)
[intEventScoreTotal] => // (empty/unused)
[strStatus] => // (empty/unused)
[strProgress] => // "mm:ss - Xst/nd/rd/th" OR "Final" (not yet sure of pre-game or overtime yet as I am still building & testing)
[strEventTime] => // start time of the game -- appears to be dynamic/changes (?)
[dateEvent] => // date of the game according to the API feed's local TZ
[updated] => // date and time stamp of the API feed

Event Status

American Football
NS : Not Started
Q1 : First Quarter (In Play)
Q2 : Second Quarter (In Play)
Q3 : Third Quarter (In Play)
Q4 : Fourth Quarter (In Play)
OT : Overtime (In Play)
HT : Halftime (In Play)
FT : Finished (Game Finished)
AOT : After Over Time (Game Finished)
CANC : Cancelled (Game cancelled and not rescheduled)
PST : Postponed (Game postponed and waiting for a new game date)

NS : Not Started
IN1 : Inning 1 (In Play)
IN2 : Inning 2 (In Play)
IN3 : Inning 3 (In Play)
IN4 : Inning 4 (In Play)
IN5 : Inning 5 (In Play)
IN6 : Inning 6 (In Play)
IN7 : Inning 7 (In Play)
IN8 : Inning 8 (In Play)
IN9 : Inning 9 (In Play)
POST : Postponed
CANC : Cancelled
INTR : Interrupted
ABD : Abandoned
FT : Finished (Game Finished)

NS : Not Started
Q1 : Quarter 1 (In Play)
Q2 : Quarter 2 (In Play)
Q3 : Quarter 3 (In Play)
Q4 : Quarter 4 (In Play)
OT : Over Time (In Play)
BT : Break Time (In Play)
HT : Halftime (In Play)
FT : Game Finished (Game Finished)
AOT : After Over Time (Game Finished)
POST : Game Postponed
CANC : Game Cancelled
SUSP : Game Suspended
AWD : Game Awarded
ABD : Game Abandoned

TBD : Time To Be Defined
NS : Not Started
1H : First Half, Kick Off
HT : Halftime
2H : Second Half, 2nd Half Started
ET : Extra Time
P : Penalty In Progress
FT : Match Finished
AET : Match Finished After Extra Time
PEN : Match Finished After Penalty
BT : Break Time (in Extra Time)
SUSP : Match Suspended
INT : Match Interrupted
PST : Match Postponed
CANC : Match Cancelled
ABD : Match Abandoned
AWD : Technical Loss
WO : WalkOver

NS : Not Started
1H : First Half (In Play)
2H : Second Half (In Play)
HT : Half Time (In Play)
ET : Extra Time (In Play)
BT : Break Time (In Play)
PT : Penalties Time (In Play)
AW : Awarded
POST : Postponed
CANC : Cancelled
INTR : Interrupted
ABD : Abandoned
WO : Walkover
AET : After Extra Time (Game Finished)
AP : After Penalties (Game Finished)
FT : Finished (Game Finished)

Ice Hockey
NS : Not Started
P1 : First Period (In Play)
P2 : Second Period (In Play)
P3 : Third Period (In Play)
OT : Over Time (In Play)
PT : Penalties Time (In Play)
BT : Break Time (In Play)
AW : Awarded
POST : Postponed
CANC : Cancelled
INTR : Interrupted
ABD : Abandoned
AOT : After Over Time (Game Finished)
AP : After Penalties (Game Finished)
FT : Finished (Game Finished)

NS : Not Started
1H : First Half (In Play)
2H : Second Half (In Play)
HT : Half Time (In Play)
ET : Extra Time (In Play)
BT : Break Time (In Play)
PT : Penalties Time (In Play)
AW : Awarded
POST : Postponed
CANC : Cancelled
INTR : Interrupted
ABD : Abandoned
AET : After Extra Time (Game Finished)
FT : Finished (Game Finished)

NS : Not Started
S1 : Set 1 (In Play)
S2 : Set 2 (In Play)
S3 : Set 3 (In Play)
S4 : Set 4 (In Play)
S5 : Set 5 (In Play)
AW : Awarded
POST : Postponed
CANC : Cancelled
INTR : Interrupted
ABD : Abandoned
FT : Finished (Game Finished)