Once logged in you can click on any missing artwork thumb to upload some artwork.
The artwork upload page will tell you about what size and format you should submit.
You can also replace artwork using the pencil icon to the right of the image
Event Schedules
One of the biggest jobs on the site is to add new events to each season.
We have a number of importers that can do this but they are not always reliable
Sports such as Motorsport, Tennis, Fighting etc are all done manually by our users
If you see something missing, just go to the league page and hit "Add Event" and add some details
Team Data
We have thousands of teams on our site and Mods can add new ones any time
There are lots of teams still needing data so go ahead and click the "Edit Team" button
You can add team members by clicking the 'Add Player' button to any team.
Player Data
One of the biggest areas in need of improvement is the player rosters.
Any user can add a player, edit and upload artwork from the team page
If you see a player has transfered teams you can edit the player and change their team
You can check the latest player transfers here
Missing Scores
We have a dedicated page for missing scores from the day before.
Please help out by checking this as much as you can and updating the scores.
You can click the search icon to search google automatically for the score.
Then click the event and edit event to update the scores.
TV Schedules
TV schedules can be added from any event, just hit the Add TV button