Video Highlights
Singles Match
Jake Roberts vs. The Sultan (w/Bob Backlund & The Iron Sheik)
Non Title Tag Team Match
Alex Porteau & Bob Holly vs. The Smoking Gunns (Bart Gunn & Billy Gunn) (w/Sunny)
WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Semi Final Match
Marc Mero (w/Sable) vs. Owen Hart
WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Semi Final Match
Faarooq (w/Sunny) vs. Sycho Sid
Reports Result ListResult DescriptionSingles Match
The Sultan (w/Bob Backlund & The Iron Sheik) defeats Jake Roberts (3:04)
Non Title Tag Team Match
Alex Porteau & Bob Holly defeat The Smoking Gunns (Bart Gunn & Billy Gunn) (w/Sunny) (5:47)
WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Semi Final Match
Marc Mero (w/Sable) defeats Owen Hart (9:26)
WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Semi Final Match
Faarooq (w/Sunny) defeats Sycho Sid by DQ (7:15)
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WWE 1996-09-16 RAW #176.mkv
WWE 1996-09-16 RAW #176.S1996E44.mkv
(Scraper) WWE 1996-09-16 RAW #176.mkv
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