5th Annual Square Go!

Sun 24th January 2016 (UTC)
Sun 24th January 2016 (Local)


timezone flag 00:00:00 UTC

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Singles Match
Lionheart vs. Kenny Williams

ICW Tag Team Title Match
The 55 (Kid Fite & Sha Samuels) (w/James R. Kennedy) (c) vs. Polo Promotions (Jackie Polo & Mark Coffey) (w/Coach Trip)

Singles Match
Liam Thomson vs. Carmel Jacob

ICW World Heavyweight Title Match
Grado (c) vs. Chris Renfrew

ICW World Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership 30 Man Square Go Match
Doug Williams vs. Mikey Whiplash vs. Dave Mastiff vs. Wolfgang vs. Jack Jester vs. Lionheart vs. Red Lightning vs. Jimmy Havoc vs. BT Gunn vs. Stevie Boy vs. Dickie Divers vs. Timm Wylie vs. Andrew Wilde vs. Noam Dar vs. Davey Boy vs. Joe Coffey vs. Lewis Girvan vs. Mark Coffey vs. Trent Seven vs. Solar vs. Lou King Sharp vs. Joe Hendry vs. Scotty Swift vs. Massimo vs. DCT vs. Michael Chase vs. Mark Dallas vs. Sebastian vs. The Wee Man vs. Soldato
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Result List

Result Description
Singles Match
Lionheart defeats Kenny Williams (9:04)

ICW Tag Team Title Match
The 55 (Kid Fite & Sha Samuels) (w/James R. Kennedy) (c) defeat Polo Promotions (Jackie Polo & Mark Coffey) (w/Coach Trip) by referee's decision (16:02)

Singles Match
Carmel Jacob defeats Liam Thomson (15:26)

ICW World Heavyweight Title Match
Chris Renfrew defeats Grado (c) (15:10) - TITLE CHANGE !!!

ICW World Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership 30 Man Square Go Match
Wolfgang defeats Andrew Wilde and BT Gunn and Dave Mastiff and Davey Boy and DCT and Dickie Divers and Doug Williams and Jack Jester and Jimmy Havoc and Joe Coffey and Joe Hendry and Lewis Girvan and Lionheart and Lou King Sharp and Mark Coffey and Mark Dallas and Massimo and Michael Chase and Mikey Whiplash and Noam Dar and Red Lightning and Scotty Swift and Sebastian and Solar and Soldato and Stevie Boy and The Wee Man and Timm Wylie and Trent Seven (75:45)
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