HonorClub #56

Thu 21st March 2024 (UTC)
Thu 21st March 2024 (Local)


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timezone flag 24-09-23 19:00 (CST Chicago)
timezone flag 24-09-23 20:00 (EST New York)
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timezone flag 24-09-24 04:00 (GST Dubai)
timezone flag 24-09-24 05:30 (IST Kolkata)
timezone flag 24-09-24 09:00 (JST Tokyo)
timezone flag 24-09-24 10:00 (AEDT Sydney)


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Canadian Tire Centre
(2,880 Attendance)

Video Highlights

Singles Match
Matt Sydal vs. TJ Crawford

Tag Team Match
Brandon Cutler & Colt Cabana vs. Bryce Donovan & Rex Lawless

Singles Match
Serpentico vs. Mark Sterling

Singles Match
Mina Shirakawa vs. Anna Jay

ROH Women's World Television Title Tournament Semi Final Match
Red Velvet vs. Queen Aminata

ROH Women's World Television Title Tournament Semi Final Match
Mercedes Martinez (w/Diamante) vs. Billie Starkz

Tag Team Match
Chocolate City (Mustapha Jordan & Wilson Colas) vs. The Varsity Athletes (Ari Daivari & Tony Nese) (w/Mark Sterling)

Singles Match
Hikaru Shida vs. Rachael Ellering

Singles Match
Dalton Castle vs. Nick Comoroto

Singles Match
Lee Johnson vs. London Lightning

Tag Team Match
Kaz Jordan & Victor Castella vs. Cole Karter & Griff Garrison (w/Maria)

ROH Women's World Title Proving Ground Match
Athena vs. Nikita

Singles Match
Diamante vs. Kiera Hogan

Singles Match
Evil Uno vs. JD Drake


Result List

Result Description
Singles Match
Matt Sydal defeats TJ Crawford

Tag Team Match
Brandon Cutler & Colt Cabana defeat Bryce Donovan & Rex Lawless

Singles Match
Serpentico defeats Mark Sterling

Singles Match
Mina Shirakawa defeats Anna Jay

ROH Women's World Television Title Tournament Semi Final Match
Queen Aminata defeats Red Velvet

ROH Women's World Television Title Tournament Semi Final Match
Billie Starkz defeats Mercedes Martinez (w/Diamante)

Tag Team Match
The Varsity Athletes (Ari Daivari & Tony Nese) (w/Mark Sterling) defeat Chocolate City (Mustapha Jordan & Wilson Colas)

Singles Match
Hikaru Shida defeats Rachael Ellering

Singles Match
Dalton Castle defeats Nick Comoroto

Singles Match
Lee Johnson defeats London Lightning

Tag Team Match
Cole Karter & Griff Garrison (w/Maria) defeat Kaz Jordan & Victor Castella

ROH Women's World Title Proving Ground Match
Athena defeats Nikita

Singles Match
Kiera Hogan defeats Diamante

Singles Match
Evil Uno defeats JD Drake

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ROH 2024-03-21 HonorClub #56.mkv
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