Video Highlights
SuperBrawl V took place on February 19, 1995 from the Baltimore Arena in Baltimore, Maryland.
Reports Result ListResult DescriptionSingles Match
Alex Wright defeats Paul Roma (13:20)
Singles Match
Jim Duggan defeats Bunkhouse Buck (w/Col. Robert Parker & Meng) (11:54)
Singles Match
Kevin Sullivan (w/The Butcher) defeats Dave Sullivan (7:16)
WCW World Tag Team Title Match
Harlem Heat (Booker T & Stevie Ray) (w/Sister Sherri) (c) defeat The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags) by DQ (17:06)
Singles Match
Blacktop Bully (w/Col. Robert Parker) defeats Dustin Rhodes (16:08)
Tag Team Match
Randy Savage & Sting defeat Avalanche & Big Bubba Rogers (10:16)
WCW World Heavyweight Title Match
Hulk Hogan (w/Jimmy Hart) (c) defeats Vader by DQ (15:08)
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WCW 1995-02-19 SuperBrawl V.mkv
WCW 1995-02-19 SuperBrawl V.S1995E1.mkv
(Scraper) WCW 1995-02-19 SuperBrawl V.mkv
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