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Bugs reporting

Posted: 17 Jul 2020 10:45

Posts: 977
Joined: 2020

Some fixtures for the American USL Championship seem to have ended up on the Defunct NASL League. Do you know if these have come from the importer or user error? Would it be a quicker job in the backend to shift these to the new league (USL)

It's not me this time. Looking at how they've been added (1920 as the season) that would be the importer.

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Posted: 22 Jul 2020 19:55

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I'm unable to add Pedro Mendes,_born_1979) to the DB, saying he already exists, but then links me to a player of the same name, but with a different DOB

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Posted: 23 Jul 2020 08:36

Posts: 346
Joined: 2020

Some fixtures for the American USL Championship seem to have ended up on the Defunct NASL League. Do you know if these have come from the importer or user error? Would it be a quicker job in the backend to shift these to the new league (USL)

Any update on this?

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Posted: 23 Jul 2020 18:57


Posts: 3,650
Joined: 2020

Some fixtures for the American USL Championship seem to have ended up on the Defunct NASL League. Do you know if these have come from the importer or user error? Would it be a quicker job in the backend to shift these to the new league (USL)

Any update on this?

I've removed the API-Football ID from the NASL as its defuct and added a new one to the USL. Hopefully it will sync from the livescore importer now.

Can you make sure all the teams are correct and have the correct APIfootball ID?

You can find details here:

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Posted: 23 Jul 2020 19:00


Posts: 3,650
Joined: 2020

I'm unable to add Pedro Mendes,_born_1979) to the DB, saying he already exists, but then links me to a player of the same name, but with a different DOB

Yeh he already exists I think here:

I also checked the logic and the add player dupe search takes into account the name and DOB before blocking anything.

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Posted: 23 Jul 2020 19:10


Posts: 3,650
Joined: 2020

Could these two honours be merged, please?


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Posted: 23 Jul 2020 20:01

Posts: 977
Joined: 2020

I'm unable to add Pedro Mendes,_born_1979) to the DB, saying he already exists, but then links me to a player of the same name, but with a different DOB

Yeh he already exists I think here:

I also checked the logic and the add player dupe search takes into account the name and DOB before blocking anything.

Great, I'll make sure to do a regular check in the future if anything like that arises again.

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Posted: 23 Jul 2020 20:02

Posts: 977
Joined: 2020

Some fixtures for the American USL Championship seem to have ended up on the Defunct NASL League. Do you know if these have come from the importer or user error? Would it be a quicker job in the backend to shift these to the new league (USL)

Any update on this?

I've removed the API-Football ID from the NASL as its defuct and added a new one to the USL. Hopefully it will sync from the livescore importer now.

Can you make sure all the teams are correct and have the correct APIfootball ID?

You can find details here:

There's been some new teams added to the league which don't have APIfootball IDs listed, any chance a newer list could be published as it is the case in a couple of other leagues too.

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Posted: 23 Jul 2020 20:09


Posts: 3,650
Joined: 2020

There's been some new teams added to the league which don't have APIfootball IDs listed, any chance a newer list could be published as it is the case in a couple of other leagues too.

That page actually uses their API directly to lookup the teams so i'm guessing when they update it will show.

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Posted: 28 Jul 2020 19:01


Posts: 1,789
Joined: 2020

random bug that appears while editing players & events:

Warning: mysqli::__construct(): (HY000/2002): Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted. in C:\inetpub\\includes\ez_sql_mysqli.php on line 97

Warning: Error establishing mySQLi database connection. Correct user/password? Correct hostname? Database server running? in C:\inetpub\\includes\ez_sql_mysqli.php on line 102

Warning: Unexpected error while trying to select database in C:\inetpub\\includes\ez_sql_mysqli.php on line 149

Warning: mysqli::escape_string(): Couldn't fetch mysqli in C:\inetpub\\includes\ez_sql_mysqli.php on line 192

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Posted: 12 Aug 2020 15:14


Posts: 1,789
Joined: 2020

Delete post function in the forum doesn't do anything

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Posted: 17 Aug 2020 11:12

Posts: 977
Joined: 2020

It would seem that any match played where the time crosses from 23:59-00:00 UTC is being added in duplicate.

Check out any of the North/South American leagues being played, it seems to be occurring in all of them.

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Posted: 18 Aug 2020 09:25

Posts: 346
Joined: 2020

Some of these may be me manually moving them because they're coming up as the wrong date when factoring in UTC time. I think when I move them the importer is re-importing them on the first date meaning we have two events

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Posted: 18 Aug 2020 19:30


Posts: 1,789
Joined: 2020

UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League badges are not displayed on the main page:

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Posted: 24 Aug 2020 11:49

Posts: 346
Joined: 2020

It would seem that any match played where the time crosses from 23:59-00:00 UTC is being added in duplicate.

Check out any of the North/South American leagues being played, it seems to be occurring in all of them.

Seems to be happening pretty much every day now. BST wise, event 1014834 kicks off at midnight on Tuesday morning but is being picked up as kicking off at midnight on Monday morning by the db. I've been in and manually corrected them to the UTC date/time but they seem to get recreated by the importer meaning theres two events with one on the incorrect date. Getting a bit confusing with BST/UTC and where the event falls.

Am I right in thinking that the db itself should be taken as UTC time so all date/times should be in UTC where possible? (Excluding strLocalTime)

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Posted: 26 Aug 2020 13:29

Posts: 977
Joined: 2020

I can't seem to add any fighting events at the moment, I keep getting an error where it looks like it's been added, but then displays this ...

Warning: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'intRound' at row 1 in C:\inetpub\\includes\ez_sql_mysqli.php on line 272

Warning: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'idEvent' at row 1 in C:\inetpub\\includes\ez_sql_mysqli.php on line 272
Checking Event Duplicates:
Adding Event...Done

It's happened with both NJPW and WWE, but it's fine when adding in events for other sports.

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Posted: 26 Aug 2020 13:35


Posts: 3,650
Joined: 2020

I can't seem to add any fighting events at the moment, I keep getting an error where it looks like it's been added, but then displays this ...

Warning: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'intRound' at row 1 in C:\inetpub\\includes\ez_sql_mysqli.php on line 272

Warning: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'idEvent' at row 1 in C:\inetpub\\includes\ez_sql_mysqli.php on line 272
Checking Event Duplicates:
Adding Event...Done

It's happened with both NJPW and WWE, but it's fine when adding in events for other sports.

Thanks fixed by adding the round to the form.

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Posted: 26 Aug 2020 13:36


Posts: 3,650
Joined: 2020

Some of these may be me manually moving them because they're coming up as the wrong date when factoring in UTC time. I think when I move them the importer is re-importing them on the first date meaning we have two events

Yes this is going to happen as the importer checks for dupes only on the same date. I'm not sure how to fix it though as the importer is just using the data available.

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Posted: 26 Aug 2020 13:43


Posts: 3,650
Joined: 2020

It would seem that any match played where the time crosses from 23:59-00:00 UTC is being added in duplicate.

Check out any of the North/South American leagues being played, it seems to be occurring in all of them.

Seems to be happening pretty much every day now. BST wise, event 1014834 kicks off at midnight on Tuesday morning but is being picked up as kicking off at midnight on Monday morning by the db. I've been in and manually corrected them to the UTC date/time but they seem to get recreated by the importer meaning theres two events with one on the incorrect date. Getting a bit confusing with BST/UTC and where the event falls.

Am I right in thinking that the db itself should be taken as UTC time so all date/times should be in UTC where possible? (Excluding strLocalTime)

Yes always UTC. I will check the importer logic as this should not happen I think.

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Posted: 26 Aug 2020 17:10

Posts: 346
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Might not help but 1018290 is an example from today. Kicks off BST 00:30 tomorrow

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Posted: 26 Aug 2020 18:17


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Might not help but 1018290 is an example from today. Kicks off BST 00:30 tomorrow

Actually its very useful, I checked the source API and it looks to me like they have it wrong rather than anything we are doing. This is the football-api source data for that event.

stdClass Object
[fixture_id] => 319482
[league_id] => 1356
[league] => stdClass Object
[name] => Primera Division - Apertura
[country] => Paraguay
[logo] =>
[flag] =>

[event_date] => 2020-08-26T23:30:00+00:00
[event_timestamp] => 1598484600
[firstHalfStart] =>
[secondHalfStart] =>
[round] => Apertura - 16
[status] => Not Started
[statusShort] => NS
[elapsed] => 0
[venue] => Estadio Luis Alberto Salinas Tanasio
[referee] =>
[homeTeam] => stdClass Object
[team_id] => 3832
[team_name] => 12 de Octubre
[logo] =>

[awayTeam] => stdClass Object
[team_id] => 1182
[team_name] => Olimpia
[logo] =>

[goalsHomeTeam] =>
[goalsAwayTeam] =>
[score] => stdClass Object
[halftime] =>
[fulltime] =>
[extratime] =>
[penalty] =>


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Posted: 26 Aug 2020 19:04

Posts: 977
Joined: 2020

Edit: I refreshed the page and it reposted my last message, please ignore.

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Posted: 26 Aug 2020 19:05


Posts: 3,650
Joined: 2020

Sorry deleted, please post again

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Posted: 26 Aug 2020 19:07

Posts: 977
Joined: 2020

I thought something weird happened then.

Their time is correct as BST is UTC+1

UTC = 2020-08-26T23:30:00+00:00
BST = 2020-08-27T00:30:00+00:00

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Posted: 26 Aug 2020 19:13

Posts: 346
Joined: 2020

Yep I'm thinking its maybe something I need to handle on my end now

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