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02 Jan 21 Happy New FREEDOMS 2021
21 Jan 21 Reach For The Star 2021
09 Feb 21 Go Beyond The Limit 2021
21 Feb 21 FREEDOMS and 2AW VersuS
27 Feb 21 Hot Free People 2021
04 Mar 21 This Is Our Era 2021
23 Mar 21 The Gekokujo 2021
04 Apr 21 FREEDOMS
15 Apr 21 Im The Star Of GW! 2021
05 May 21 Yokohama Pro Wrestling Festival 2021
16 May 21 Spread Your Wings FREEDOMS! Sendai Dream Again 2021
27 May 21 F Spirit 2021
18 Jun 21 New Generation Is Here
20 Jun 21 Sugiura Pro Wrestling
08 Jul 21 VersuS
10 Jul 21 Doms Festival ~ Free Man In Broad Daylight
13 Jul 21 Jun Kasai Produce Tokyo Death Match Carnival Vol. 1
18 Jul 21 Shizuoka Free People Project
25 Jul 21 Jun Kasai Produce Shin Kiba Death Match Carnival
11 Aug 21 ERE Produce ERE Night
22 Aug 21 Jun Kasai Produce Osaka Death Match Carnival
05 Sep 21 Jun Kasai Produce Tokyo Death Match Carnival Vol. 2
16 Sep 21 Takashi Sasaki Debut 25th Anniversary Show
28 Sep 21 We Love Yokohama
03 Oct 21 12th Anniversary
10 Oct 21 To The 13th Year Of FREEDOMS
17 Oct 21 Jun Kasai Produce Bloody Hallooween
24 Oct 21 VersuS
31 Oct 21 Jun Kasai Produce Hiroshima Death Match Carnival
31 Oct 21 Hiroshima Re Landing! Doms vs Western Japan!
03 Nov 21 Kariya Freedom Humanizing Plan
09 Nov 21 Heel Dont Think
17 Nov 21 Go For It FREEDOMS!
20 Nov 21 Invincible Free Corps!
21 Nov 21 Yamaguchi Free Humanization Plan
23 Nov 21 vs MYWAY Do It Yourself!!
02 Dec 21 Road To Blood XMas
10 Dec 21 Sugiura Pro Wrestling
12 Dec 21 Versus

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