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French Pro D2
French Pro D2
Season Badge
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French Pro D2
Event List
Round 1
CA Brive vs Oyonnax Rugby
19:00:00 -
Stade Niçois vs Béziers
17:00:00 -
Aurillac vs Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente
17:30:00 -
Mont-de-Marsan vs Colomiers
17:30:00 -
Nevers vs FC Grenoble
17:30:00 -
US Dax vs US Montauban
17:30:00 -
Biarritz Olympique vs Valence Romans Drôme Rugby
17:30:00 -
Provence vs SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne
19:00:00 -
Round 2
Béziers vs Biarritz Olympique
19:00:00 -
Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente vs CA Brive
17:00:00 -
US Montauban vs Mont-de-Marsan
17:30:00 -
Valence Romans Drôme Rugby vs US Dax
17:30:00 -
Colomiers vs Aurillac
17:30:00 -
Oyonnax Rugby vs Nevers
17:30:00 -
SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne vs Stade Niçois
17:30:00 -
FC Grenoble vs Provence
19:00:00 -
Round 3
Nevers vs CA Brive
19:00:00 -
Aurillac vs FC Grenoble
17:00:00 -
Mont-de-Marsan vs SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne
17:30:00 -
Provence vs US Montauban
17:30:00 -
US Dax vs Colomiers
17:30:00 -
Valence Romans Drôme Rugby vs Béziers
17:30:00 -
Stade Niçois vs Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente
17:30:00 -
Biarritz Olympique vs Oyonnax Rugby
19:00:00 -
Round 4
FC Grenoble vs US Dax
19:00:00 -
US Montauban vs Biarritz Olympique
17:00:00 -
Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente vs Mont-de-Marsan
17:30:00 -
SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne vs Nevers
17:30:00 -
Colomiers vs Valence Romans Drôme Rugby
17:30:00 -
CA Brive vs Aurillac
17:30:00 -
Oyonnax Rugby vs Stade Niçois
17:30:00 -
Béziers vs Provence
19:00:00 -
Round 5
Biarritz Olympique vs FC Grenoble
19:00:00 -
Mont-de-Marsan vs CA Brive
17:00:00 -
Aurillac vs Béziers
17:30:00 -
Nevers vs US Montauban
17:30:00 -
US Dax vs Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente
17:30:00 -
Valence Romans Drôme Rugby vs SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne
17:30:00 -
Stade Niçois vs Colomiers
17:30:00 -
Provence vs Oyonnax Rugby
19:00:00 -
Round 6
SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne vs US Dax
19:00:00 -
Oyonnax Rugby vs Colomiers
17:00:00 -
US Montauban vs Aurillac
17:30:00 -
Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente vs Provence
17:30:00 -
Nevers vs Béziers
17:30:00 -
FC Grenoble vs Valence Romans Drôme Rugby
17:30:00 -
Stade Niçois vs Mont-de-Marsan
17:30:00 -
CA Brive vs Biarritz Olympique
19:00:00 -
Round 7
Provence vs CA Brive
19:00:00 -
Colomiers vs Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente
17:00:00 -
US Dax vs Oyonnax Rugby
17:30:00 -
Valence Romans Drôme Rugby vs US Montauban
17:30:00 -
Béziers vs FC Grenoble
17:30:00 -
Mont-de-Marsan vs Nevers
17:30:00 -
Aurillac vs Stade Niçois
17:30:00 -
Biarritz Olympique vs SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne
19:00:00 -
Round 8
US Montauban vs FC Grenoble
19:00:00 -
Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente vs Biarritz Olympique
17:00:00 -
Mont-de-Marsan vs Aurillac
17:30:00 -
Oyonnax Rugby vs Béziers
17:30:00 -
Nevers vs Provence
17:30:00 -
CA Brive vs US Dax
17:30:00 -
Stade Niçois vs Valence Romans Drôme Rugby
17:30:00 -
SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne vs Colomiers
19:00:00 -
Round 9
Colomiers vs US Montauban
20:00:00 -
Valence Romans Drôme Rugby vs CA Brive
18:00:00 -
Aurillac vs Oyonnax Rugby
18:30:00 -
Béziers vs Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente
18:30:00 -
Biarritz Olympique vs Nevers
18:30:00 -
Provence vs Mont-de-Marsan
18:30:00 -
US Dax vs Stade Niçois
18:30:00 -
FC Grenoble vs SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne
20:00:00 -
Round 10
Mont-de-Marsan vs Biarritz Olympique
20:00:00 -
Oyonnax Rugby vs FC Grenoble
18:00:00 -
Nevers vs Valence Romans Drôme Rugby
18:30:00 -
Provence vs Aurillac
18:30:00 -
Béziers vs US Dax
18:30:00 -
Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente vs SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne
18:30:00 -
US Montauban vs Stade Niçois
18:30:00 -
CA Brive vs Colomiers
20:00:00 -
Round 11
SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne vs US Montauban
20:00:00 -
Colomiers vs Béziers
18:00:00 -
Valence Romans Drôme Rugby vs Oyonnax Rugby
18:30:00 -
FC Grenoble vs Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente
18:30:00 -
Aurillac vs Nevers
18:30:00 -
Stade Niçois vs CA Brive
18:30:00 -
Biarritz Olympique vs Provence
20:00:00 -
US Dax vs Mont-de-Marsan
15:30:00 -
Round 12
CA Brive vs US Montauban
20:00:00 -
Nevers vs US Dax
18:00:00 -
Biarritz Olympique vs Aurillac
18:30:00 -
Béziers vs SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne
18:30:00 -
Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente vs Valence Romans Drôme Rugby
18:30:00 -
Oyonnax Rugby vs Mont-de-Marsan
18:30:00 -
Provence vs Stade Niçois
18:30:00 -
FC Grenoble vs Colomiers
20:00:00 -
Round 13
Colomiers vs Provence
20:00:00 -
Mont-de-Marsan vs FC Grenoble
18:00:00 -
SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne vs Oyonnax Rugby
18:30:00 -
Aurillac vs Valence Romans Drôme Rugby
18:30:00 -
US Montauban vs Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente
18:30:00 -
CA Brive vs Béziers
18:30:00 -
Stade Niçois vs Nevers
18:30:00 -
US Dax vs Biarritz Olympique
20:00:00 -
Round 14
US Dax vs Provence
20:00:00 -
Béziers vs US Montauban
18:00:00 -
Valence Romans Drôme Rugby vs Mont-de-Marsan
18:30:00 -
Oyonnax Rugby vs Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente
18:30:00 -
Nevers vs Colomiers
18:30:00 -
SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne vs Aurillac
18:30:00 -
Biarritz Olympique vs Stade Niçois
18:30:00 -
FC Grenoble vs CA Brive
20:00:00 -
Round 15
CA Brive vs SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne
20:00:00 -
Stade Niçois vs FC Grenoble
18:00:00 -
Provence vs Valence Romans Drôme Rugby
18:30:00 -
Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente vs Nevers
18:30:00 -
Aurillac vs US Dax
18:30:00 -
US Montauban vs Oyonnax Rugby
18:30:00 -
Mont-de-Marsan vs Béziers
18:30:00 -
Colomiers vs Biarritz Olympique
20:00:00 -
Round 16
FC Grenoble vs US Montauban
20:00:00 -
Biarritz Olympique vs Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente
18:00:00 -
Valence Romans Drôme Rugby vs Colomiers
18:30:00 -
SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne vs Provence
18:30:00 -
Oyonnax Rugby vs Aurillac
18:30:00 -
Nevers vs Mont-de-Marsan
18:30:00 -
Béziers vs Stade Niçois
18:30:00 -
US Dax vs CA Brive
20:00:00 -
Round 17
SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne vs Biarritz Olympique
20:00:00 -
Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente vs Béziers
18:00:00 -
Colomiers vs US Dax
18:30:00 -
Aurillac vs Mont-de-Marsan
18:30:00 -
CA Brive vs Nevers
18:30:00 -
US Montauban vs Valence Romans Drôme Rugby
18:30:00 -
Stade Niçois vs Oyonnax Rugby
18:30:00 -
Provence vs FC Grenoble
20:00:00 -
Round 18
FC Grenoble vs Biarritz Olympique
13:00:00 -
Mont-de-Marsan vs US Montauban
13:00:00 -
Nevers vs SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne
13:00:00 -
Oyonnax Rugby vs CA Brive
13:00:00 -
Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente vs US Dax
13:00:00 -
Aurillac vs Provence
13:00:00 -
Béziers vs Colomiers
13:00:00 -
Valence Romans Drôme Rugby vs Stade Niçois
13:00:00 -
Round 19
Béziers vs Oyonnax Rugby
13:00:00 -
Biarritz Olympique vs Mont-de-Marsan
13:00:00 -
CA Brive vs Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente
13:00:00 -
Colomiers vs FC Grenoble
13:00:00 -
US Dax vs Valence Romans Drôme Rugby
13:00:00 -
Provence vs Nevers
13:00:00 -
US Montauban vs SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne
13:00:00 -
Stade Niçois vs Aurillac
13:00:00 -
Round 20
Valence Romans Drôme Rugby vs Biarritz Olympique
13:00:00 -
Oyonnax Rugby vs US Dax
13:00:00 -
Mont-de-Marsan vs Provence
13:00:00 -
US Montauban vs Nevers
13:00:00 -
FC Grenoble vs Aurillac
13:00:00 -
Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente vs Colomiers
13:00:00 -
SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne vs Béziers
13:00:00 -
CA Brive vs Stade Niçois
13:00:00 -
Round 21
Biarritz Olympique vs CA Brive
13:00:00 -
Béziers vs Valence Romans Drôme Rugby
13:00:00 -
Aurillac vs SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne
13:00:00 -
Provence vs Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente
13:00:00 -
US Dax vs FC Grenoble
13:00:00 -
Nevers vs Oyonnax Rugby
13:00:00 -
Stade Niçois vs US Montauban
13:00:00 -
Colomiers vs Mont-de-Marsan
13:00:00 -
Round 22
SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne vs Valence Romans Drôme Rugby
13:00:00 -
Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente vs Aurillac
13:00:00 -
Colomiers vs CA Brive
13:00:00 -
FC Grenoble vs Béziers
13:00:00 -
US Montauban vs Provence
13:00:00 -
US Dax vs Nevers
13:00:00 -
Oyonnax Rugby vs Biarritz Olympique
13:00:00 -
Mont-de-Marsan vs Stade Niçois
13:00:00 -
Round 23
Valence Romans Drôme Rugby vs Aurillac
13:00:00 -
Provence vs Colomiers
13:00:00 -
CA Brive vs Mont-de-Marsan
13:00:00 -
Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente vs FC Grenoble
13:00:00 -
Biarritz Olympique vs US Dax
13:00:00 -
Béziers vs Nevers
13:00:00 -
Oyonnax Rugby vs US Montauban
13:00:00 -
Stade Niçois vs SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne
13:00:00 -
Round 24
Aurillac vs Biarritz Olympique
13:00:00 -
Colomiers vs Oyonnax Rugby
13:00:00 -
US Montauban vs CA Brive
13:00:00 -
Mont-de-Marsan vs Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente
13:00:00 -
US Dax vs Béziers
13:00:00 -
Valence Romans Drôme Rugby vs Provence
13:00:00 -
SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne vs FC Grenoble
13:00:00 -
Nevers vs Stade Niçois
13:00:00 -
Round 25
Colomiers vs Nevers
12:00:00 -
Oyonnax Rugby vs SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne
12:00:00 -
Provence vs US Dax
12:00:00 -
CA Brive vs Valence Romans Drôme Rugby
12:00:00 -
Béziers vs Aurillac
12:00:00 -
Biarritz Olympique vs US Montauban
12:00:00 -
FC Grenoble vs Mont-de-Marsan
12:00:00 -
Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente vs Stade Niçois
12:00:00 -
Round 26
SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne vs CA Brive
12:00:00 -
Aurillac vs Colomiers
12:00:00 -
US Montauban vs US Dax
12:00:00 -
Mont-de-Marsan vs Oyonnax Rugby
12:00:00 -
Nevers vs Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente
12:00:00 -
Provence vs Béziers
12:00:00 -
Valence Romans Drôme Rugby vs FC Grenoble
12:00:00 -
Stade Niçois vs Biarritz Olympique
12:00:00 -
Round 27
Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente vs US Montauban
12:00:00 -
Colomiers vs SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne
12:00:00 -
Oyonnax Rugby vs Valence Romans Drôme Rugby
12:00:00 -
US Dax vs Aurillac
12:00:00 -
Nevers vs Biarritz Olympique
12:00:00 -
CA Brive vs Provence
12:00:00 -
Béziers vs Mont-de-Marsan
12:00:00 -
FC Grenoble vs Stade Niçois
12:00:00 -
Round 28
Biarritz Olympique vs Béziers
12:00:00 -
Aurillac vs CA Brive
12:00:00 -
US Montauban vs Colomiers
12:00:00 -
SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne vs Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente
12:00:00 -
FC Grenoble vs Oyonnax Rugby
12:00:00 -
Mont-de-Marsan vs US Dax
12:00:00 -
Valence Romans Drôme Rugby vs Nevers
12:00:00 -
Stade Niçois vs Provence
12:00:00 -
Round 29
Provence vs Biarritz Olympique
12:00:00 -
US Dax vs SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne
12:00:00 -
Nevers vs Aurillac
12:00:00 -
Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente vs Oyonnax Rugby
12:00:00 -
CA Brive vs FC Grenoble
12:00:00 -
US Montauban vs Béziers
12:00:00 -
Mont-de-Marsan vs Valence Romans Drôme Rugby
12:00:00 -
Colomiers vs Stade Niçois
12:00:00 -
Round 30
Valence Romans Drôme Rugby vs Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente
12:00:00 -
Oyonnax Rugby vs Provence
12:00:00 -
FC Grenoble vs Nevers
12:00:00 -
Biarritz Olympique vs Colomiers
12:00:00 -
Aurillac vs US Montauban
12:00:00 -
SU Agen Lot-et-Garonne vs Mont-de-Marsan
12:00:00 -
Béziers vs CA Brive
12:00:00 -
Stade Niçois vs US Dax
12:00:00 -
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