Event List
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Round 1
Basildon United vs Haringey Borough

14:00:00 -

Brightlingsea Regent vs Witham Town

14:00:00 -

Concord Rangers vs Bury Town

14:00:00 -

Felixstowe and Walton United FC vs Newmarket Town

14:00:00 -

Heybridge Swifts vs Cambridge City

14:00:00 -

Mildenhall Town vs Grays

14:00:00 -

Redbridge vs Brentwood Town

14:00:00 -

Sporting Bengal United vs Waltham Abbey

14:00:00 -

Tilbury vs Ipswich Wanderers

14:00:00 -

Walthamstow vs Gorleston

14:00:00 -

Wroxham vs Maldon and Tiptree

14:00:00 -

Round 2
Brentwood Town vs Walthamstow

14:00:00 -

Bury Town vs Wroxham

14:00:00 -

Cambridge City vs Basildon United

14:00:00 -

Gorleston vs Redbridge

14:00:00 -

Grays vs Sporting Bengal United

14:00:00 -

Haringey Borough vs Brightlingsea Regent

14:00:00 -

Ipswich Wanderers vs Heybridge Swifts

14:00:00 -

Maldon and Tiptree vs Tilbury

14:00:00 -

Waltham Abbey vs Mildenhall Town

14:00:00 -

Witham Town vs Felixstowe and Walton United FC

14:00:00 -

Round 3
Sporting Bengal United vs Maldon and Tiptree

12:00:00 -

Basildon United vs Grays

14:00:00 -

Brightlingsea Regent vs Ipswich Wanderers

14:00:00 -

Concord Rangers vs Brentwood Town

14:00:00 -

Felixstowe and Walton United FC vs Bury Town

14:00:00 -

Heybridge Swifts vs Witham Town

14:00:00 -

Mildenhall Town vs Cambridge City

14:00:00 -

Redbridge vs Newmarket Town

14:00:00 -

Tilbury vs Haringey Borough

14:00:00 -

Walthamstow vs Waltham Abbey

14:00:00 -

Wroxham vs Gorleston

14:00:00 -

Round 4
Grays vs Redbridge

18:45:00 -

Round 10
Maldon and Tiptree vs Cambridge City

12:00:00 -

Bury Town vs Sporting Bengal United

14:00:00 -

Round 5
Redbridge vs Haringey Borough

18:45:00 -

Bury Town vs Newmarket Town

18:45:00 -

Felixstowe and Walton United FC vs Wroxham

18:45:00 -

Waltham Abbey vs Cambridge City

18:45:00 -

Mildenhall Town vs Gorleston

18:45:00 -

Witham Town vs Ipswich Wanderers

18:45:00 -

Walthamstow vs Tilbury

18:45:00 -

Brentwood Town vs Heybridge Swifts

18:45:00 -

Sporting Bengal United vs Basildon United

18:45:00 -

Grays vs Concord Rangers

18:45:00 -

Round 6
Brightlingsea Regent vs Mildenhall Town

14:00:00 -

Concord Rangers vs Walthamstow

14:00:00 -

Wroxham vs Redbridge

14:00:00 -

Heybridge Swifts vs Waltham Abbey

14:00:00 -

Basildon United vs Bury Town

14:00:00 -

Maldon and Tiptree vs Felixstowe and Walton United FC

18:45:00 -

Ipswich Wanderers vs Basildon United

18:45:00 -

Round 7
Bury Town vs Gorleston

14:00:00 -

Grays vs Heybridge Swifts

14:00:00 -

Mildenhall Town vs Concord Rangers

14:00:00 -

Maldon and Tiptree vs Newmarket Town

18:45:00 -

Brentwood Town vs Wroxham

18:45:00 -

Round 7
Walthamstow vs Ipswich Wanderers

18:45:00 -

Waltham Abbey vs Brightlingsea Regent

18:45:00 -

Haringey Borough vs Concord Rangers

18:45:00 -

Gorleston vs Heybridge Swifts

18:45:00 -

Round 8
Basildon United vs Mildenhall Town

14:00:00 -

Wroxham vs Grays

14:00:00 -

Ipswich Wanderers vs Redbridge

14:00:00 -

Tilbury vs Waltham Abbey

14:00:00 -

Newmarket Town vs Walthamstow

14:00:00 -

Heybridge Swifts vs Sporting Bengal United

14:00:00 -

Concord Rangers vs Maldon and Tiptree

14:00:00 -

Brightlingsea Regent vs Felixstowe and Walton United FC

14:00:00 -

Cambridge City vs Witham Town

14:00:00 -

Redbridge vs Tilbury

18:45:00 -

Newmarket Town vs Concord Rangers

18:45:00 -

Round 9
Basildon United vs Gorleston

14:00:00 -

Brightlingsea Regent vs Newmarket Town

14:00:00 -

Grays vs Bury Town

14:00:00 -

Heybridge Swifts vs Tilbury

14:00:00 -

Mildenhall Town vs Wroxham

14:00:00 -

Waltham Abbey vs Ipswich Wanderers

14:00:00 -

Witham Town vs Walthamstow

14:00:00 -

Cambridge City vs Walthamstow

18:45:00 -

Round 5
Maldon and Tiptree vs Brightlingsea Regent

18:45:00 -

Round 7
Witham Town vs Wroxham

18:45:00 -

Felixstowe and Walton United FC vs Basildon United

18:45:00 -

Newmarket Town vs Tilbury

18:45:00 -

Round 10
Newmarket Town vs Basildon United

14:00:00 -

Tilbury vs Felixstowe and Walton United FC

14:00:00 -

Walthamstow vs Mildenhall Town

14:00:00 -

Ipswich Wanderers vs Haringey Borough

14:00:00 -

Bury Town vs Witham Town

14:00:00 -

Redbridge vs Sporting Bengal United

14:00:00 -

Wroxham vs Heybridge Swifts

14:00:00 -

Concord Rangers vs Brightlingsea Regent

14:00:00 -

Brentwood Town vs Waltham Abbey

14:00:00 -

Brentwood Town vs Cambridge City

18:45:00 -

Tilbury vs Witham Town

18:45:00 -

Haringey Borough vs Sporting Bengal United

18:45:00 -

Round 11
Sporting Bengal United vs Concord Rangers

13:00:00 -

Basildon United vs Maldon and Tiptree

14:00:00 -

Brightlingsea Regent vs Redbridge

14:00:00 -

Cambridge City vs Gorleston

14:00:00 -

Felixstowe and Walton United FC vs Walthamstow

14:00:00 -

Grays vs Ipswich Wanderers

14:00:00 -

Haringey Borough vs Brentwood Town

14:00:00 -

Heybridge Swifts vs Bury Town

14:00:00 -

Mildenhall Town vs Tilbury

14:00:00 -

Waltham Abbey vs Wroxham

14:00:00 -

Witham Town vs Newmarket Town

14:00:00 -

Witham Town vs Mildenhall Town

18:45:00 -

Round 6
Cambridge City vs Felixstowe and Walton United FC

18:45:00 -

Newmarket Town vs Grays

18:45:00 -

Round 7
Waltham Abbey vs Haringey Borough

18:45:00 -

Gorleston vs Maldon and Tiptree

18:45:00 -

Round 12
Ipswich Wanderers vs Mildenhall Town

14:00:00 -

Maldon and Tiptree vs Witham Town

14:00:00 -

Redbridge vs Heybridge Swifts

14:00:00 -

Tilbury vs Brightlingsea Regent

14:00:00 -

Walthamstow vs Basildon United

14:00:00 -

Bury Town vs Waltham Abbey

14:00:00 -

Wroxham vs Sporting Bengal United

14:00:00 -

Gorleston vs Haringey Borough

14:00:00 -

Sporting Bengal United vs Brightlingsea Regent

19:45:00 -

Round 8
Gorleston vs Brentwood Town

19:45:00 -

Round 13
Basildon United vs Tilbury

19:45:00 -

Brightlingsea Regent vs Walthamstow

15:00:00 -

Felixstowe and Walton United FC vs Brentwood Town

15:00:00 -

Grays vs Maldon and Tiptree

15:00:00 -

Haringey Borough vs Wroxham

15:00:00 -

Heybridge Swifts vs Concord Rangers

15:00:00 -

Mildenhall Town vs Redbridge

15:00:00 -

Sporting Bengal United vs Ipswich Wanderers

15:00:00 -

Waltham Abbey vs Newmarket Town

15:00:00 -

Witham Town vs Gorleston

15:00:00 -

Cambridge City vs Bury Town

15:00:00 -

Round 14
Newmarket Town vs Bury Town

19:45:00 -

Round 15
Bury Town vs Basildon United

15:00:00 -

Felixstowe and Walton United FC vs Cambridge City

15:00:00 -

Grays vs Newmarket Town

15:00:00 -

Maldon and Tiptree vs Gorleston

15:00:00 -

Redbridge vs Wroxham

15:00:00 -

Sporting Bengal United vs Haringey Borough

15:00:00 -

Waltham Abbey vs Heybridge Swifts

15:00:00 -

Walthamstow vs Concord Rangers

15:00:00 -

Witham Town vs Tilbury

15:00:00 -

Brentwood Town vs Ipswich Wanderers

15:00:00 -

Mildenhall Town vs Brightlingsea Regent

15:00:00 -

Haringey Borough vs Bury Town

19:45:00 -

Round 9
Cambridge City vs Concord Rangers

19:45:00 -

Felixstowe and Walton United FC vs Redbridge

19:45:00 -

Round 14
Ipswich Wanderers vs Witham Town

19:45:00 -

Sporting Bengal United vs Brentwood Town

19:45:00 -

Round 16
Newmarket Town vs Maldon and Tiptree

15:00:00 -

Wroxham vs Witham Town

15:00:00 -

Tilbury vs Redbridge

15:00:00 -

Brightlingsea Regent vs Sporting Bengal United

15:00:00 -

Concord Rangers vs Mildenhall Town

15:00:00 -

Gorleston vs Bury Town

15:00:00 -

Haringey Borough vs Waltham Abbey

15:00:00 -

Heybridge Swifts vs Grays

15:00:00 -

Ipswich Wanderers vs Walthamstow

15:00:00 -

Newmarket Town vs Cambridge City

19:45:00 -

Round 14
Wroxham vs Felixstowe and Walton United FC

19:45:00 -

Haringey Borough vs Maldon and Tiptree

19:45:00 -

Round 17
Mildenhall Town vs Basildon United

15:00:00 -

Walthamstow vs Newmarket Town

15:00:00 -

Waltham Abbey vs Tilbury

15:00:00 -

Sporting Bengal United vs Heybridge Swifts

15:00:00 -

Brentwood Town vs Gorleston

15:00:00 -

Redbridge vs Ipswich Wanderers

15:00:00 -

Maldon and Tiptree vs Concord Rangers

15:00:00 -

Bury Town vs Haringey Borough

15:00:00 -

Felixstowe and Walton United FC vs Brightlingsea Regent

15:00:00 -

Grays vs Wroxham

15:00:00 -

Witham Town vs Cambridge City

15:00:00 -

Brentwood Town vs Grays

19:45:00 -

Concord Rangers vs Felixstowe and Walton United FC

19:45:00 -

Round 14
Brightlingsea Regent vs Maldon and Tiptree

19:45:00 -

Round 18
Maldon and Tiptree vs Redbridge

15:00:00 -

Brightlingsea Regent vs Brentwood Town

15:00:00 -

Bury Town vs Ipswich Wanderers

15:00:00 -

Cambridge City vs Tilbury

15:00:00 -

Concord Rangers vs Basildon United

15:00:00 -

Felixstowe and Walton United FC vs Mildenhall Town

15:00:00 -

Gorleston vs Waltham Abbey

15:00:00 -

Grays vs Haringey Borough

15:00:00 -

Newmarket Town vs Heybridge Swifts

15:00:00 -

Walthamstow vs Wroxham

15:00:00 -

Witham Town vs Sporting Bengal United

15:00:00 -

Heybridge Swifts vs Brentwood Town

19:45:00 -

Cambridge City vs Waltham Abbey

19:45:00 -

Round 16
Basildon United vs Felixstowe and Walton United FC

19:45:00 -

Haringey Borough vs Redbridge

19:45:00 -

Gorleston vs Grays

19:45:00 -

Round 19
Haringey Borough vs Felixstowe and Walton United FC

15:00:00 -

Heybridge Swifts vs Walthamstow

15:00:00 -

Ipswich Wanderers vs Gorleston

15:00:00 -

Mildenhall Town vs Maldon and Tiptree

15:00:00 -

Redbridge vs Witham Town

15:00:00 -

Cambridge City vs Brentwood Town

19:45:00 -

Basildon United vs Sporting Bengal United

19:45:00 -

Gorleston vs Mildenhall Town

19:45:00 -

Round 20
Brightlingsea Regent vs Wroxham

15:00:00 -

Cambridge City vs Grays

15:00:00 -

Concord Rangers vs Gorleston

15:00:00 -

Felixstowe and Walton United FC vs Waltham Abbey

15:00:00 -

Maldon and Tiptree vs Ipswich Wanderers

15:00:00 -

Mildenhall Town vs Heybridge Swifts

15:00:00 -

Newmarket Town vs Brentwood Town

15:00:00 -

Tilbury vs Bury Town

15:00:00 -

Walthamstow vs Sporting Bengal United

15:00:00 -

Witham Town vs Haringey Borough

15:00:00 -

Basildon United vs Redbridge

15:00:00 -

Ipswich Wanderers vs Brentwood Town

19:45:00 -

Round 21
Brentwood Town vs Maldon and Tiptree

19:45:00 -

Bury Town vs Brightlingsea Regent

15:00:00 -

Gorleston vs Felixstowe and Walton United FC

15:00:00 -

Haringey Borough vs Newmarket Town

15:00:00 -

Heybridge Swifts vs Basildon United

15:00:00 -

Ipswich Wanderers vs Concord Rangers

15:00:00 -

Redbridge vs Cambridge City

15:00:00 -

Sporting Bengal United vs Mildenhall Town

15:00:00 -

Waltham Abbey vs Witham Town

15:00:00 -

Wroxham vs Tilbury

15:00:00 -

Grays vs Walthamstow

15:00:00 -

Round 22
Walthamstow vs Haringey Borough

19:45:00 -

Basildon United vs Brentwood Town

12:00:00 -

Concord Rangers vs Witham Town

13:00:00 -

Felixstowe and Walton United FC vs Ipswich Wanderers

13:00:00 -

Mildenhall Town vs Bury Town

13:00:00 -

Sporting Bengal United vs Cambridge City

13:00:00 -

Tilbury vs Grays

13:00:00 -

Wroxham vs Newmarket Town

13:00:00 -

Brightlingsea Regent vs Gorleston

15:00:00 -

Heybridge Swifts vs Maldon and Tiptree

15:00:00 -

Redbridge vs Waltham Abbey

15:00:00 -

Round 23
Newmarket Town vs Felixstowe and Walton United FC

15:00:00 -

Grays vs Mildenhall Town

15:00:00 -

Haringey Borough vs Basildon United

15:00:00 -

Ipswich Wanderers vs Tilbury

15:00:00 -

Maldon and Tiptree vs Wroxham

15:00:00 -

Brentwood Town vs Redbridge

15:00:00 -

Waltham Abbey vs Sporting Bengal United

15:00:00 -

Witham Town vs Brightlingsea Regent

15:00:00 -

Bury Town vs Concord Rangers

15:00:00 -

Cambridge City vs Heybridge Swifts

15:00:00 -

Gorleston vs Walthamstow

15:00:00 -

Round 24
Grays vs Basildon United

15:00:00 -

Witham Town vs Heybridge Swifts

15:00:00 -

Brentwood Town vs Concord Rangers

15:00:00 -

Bury Town vs Felixstowe and Walton United FC

15:00:00 -

Cambridge City vs Mildenhall Town

15:00:00 -

Gorleston vs Wroxham

15:00:00 -

Haringey Borough vs Tilbury

15:00:00 -

Ipswich Wanderers vs Brightlingsea Regent

15:00:00 -

Maldon and Tiptree vs Sporting Bengal United

15:00:00 -

Waltham Abbey vs Walthamstow

15:00:00 -

Newmarket Town vs Redbridge

15:00:00 -

Round 25
Heybridge Swifts vs Haringey Borough

15:00:00 -

Redbridge vs Bury Town

15:00:00 -

Concord Rangers vs Waltham Abbey

15:00:00 -

Mildenhall Town vs Newmarket Town

15:00:00 -

Sporting Bengal United vs Gorleston

15:00:00 -

Tilbury vs Brentwood Town

15:00:00 -

Walthamstow vs Maldon and Tiptree

15:00:00 -

Wroxham vs Ipswich Wanderers

15:00:00 -

Felixstowe and Walton United FC vs Grays

15:00:00 -

Brightlingsea Regent vs Cambridge City

15:00:00 -

Basildon United vs Witham Town

15:00:00 -

Basildon United vs Brightlingsea Regent

19:45:00 -

Wroxham vs Cambridge City

19:45:00 -

Concord Rangers vs Grays

19:45:00 -

Round 19
Sporting Bengal United vs Newmarket Town

19:45:00 -

Round 26
Ipswich Wanderers vs Cambridge City

15:00:00 -

Redbridge vs Walthamstow

15:00:00 -

Sporting Bengal United vs Tilbury

15:00:00 -

Waltham Abbey vs Basildon United

15:00:00 -

Wroxham vs Concord Rangers

15:00:00 -

Brentwood Town vs Witham Town

15:00:00 -

Bury Town vs Maldon and Tiptree

15:00:00 -

Gorleston vs Newmarket Town

15:00:00 -

Grays vs Brightlingsea Regent

15:00:00 -

Haringey Borough vs Mildenhall Town

15:00:00 -

Heybridge Swifts vs Felixstowe and Walton United FC

15:00:00 -

Waltham Abbey vs Grays

19:45:00 -

Tilbury vs Concord Rangers

19:45:00 -

Brentwood Town vs Bury Town

19:45:00 -

Round 27
Mildenhall Town vs Brentwood Town

15:00:00 -

Newmarket Town vs Ipswich Wanderers

15:00:00 -

Walthamstow vs Bury Town

15:00:00 -

Witham Town vs Grays

15:00:00 -

Basildon United vs Wroxham

15:00:00 -

Tilbury vs Gorleston

15:00:00 -

Brightlingsea Regent vs Heybridge Swifts

15:00:00 -

Concord Rangers vs Redbridge

15:00:00 -

Felixstowe and Walton United FC vs Sporting Bengal United

15:00:00 -

Maldon and Tiptree vs Waltham Abbey

15:00:00 -

Cambridge City vs Haringey Borough

15:00:00 -

Tilbury vs Walthamstow

19:45:00 -

Round 28
Witham Town vs Redbridge

15:00:00 -

Brightlingsea Regent vs Basildon United

15:00:00 -

Bury Town vs Brentwood Town

15:00:00 -

Cambridge City vs Wroxham

15:00:00 -

Concord Rangers vs Tilbury

15:00:00 -

Felixstowe and Walton United FC vs Haringey Borough

15:00:00 -

Gorleston vs Ipswich Wanderers

15:00:00 -

Grays vs Waltham Abbey

15:00:00 -

Maldon and Tiptree vs Mildenhall Town

15:00:00 -

Newmarket Town vs Sporting Bengal United

15:00:00 -

Walthamstow vs Heybridge Swifts

15:00:00 -

Round 29
Wroxham vs Walthamstow

15:00:00 -

Brentwood Town vs Brightlingsea Regent

15:00:00 -

Basildon United vs Concord Rangers

15:00:00 -

Waltham Abbey vs Gorleston

15:00:00 -

Tilbury vs Cambridge City

15:00:00 -

Redbridge vs Maldon and Tiptree

15:00:00 -

Sporting Bengal United vs Witham Town

15:00:00 -

Mildenhall Town vs Felixstowe and Walton United FC

15:00:00 -

Ipswich Wanderers vs Bury Town

15:00:00 -

Heybridge Swifts vs Newmarket Town

15:00:00 -

Haringey Borough vs Grays

15:00:00 -

Round 30
Brentwood Town vs Sporting Bengal United

15:00:00 -

Bury Town vs Grays

15:00:00 -

Concord Rangers vs Cambridge City

15:00:00 -

Gorleston vs Basildon United

15:00:00 -

Maldon and Tiptree vs Haringey Borough

15:00:00 -

Newmarket Town vs Brightlingsea Regent

15:00:00 -

Tilbury vs Heybridge Swifts

15:00:00 -

Walthamstow vs Witham Town

15:00:00 -

Wroxham vs Mildenhall Town

15:00:00 -

Ipswich Wanderers vs Waltham Abbey

15:00:00 -

Redbridge vs Felixstowe and Walton United FC

15:00:00 -

Round 31
Basildon United vs Newmarket Town

15:00:00 -

Brightlingsea Regent vs Concord Rangers

15:00:00 -

Witham Town vs Bury Town

15:00:00 -

Waltham Abbey vs Brentwood Town

15:00:00 -

Mildenhall Town vs Walthamstow

15:00:00 -

Heybridge Swifts vs Wroxham

15:00:00 -

Haringey Borough vs Ipswich Wanderers

15:00:00 -

Sporting Bengal United vs Redbridge

15:00:00 -

Grays vs Gorleston

15:00:00 -

Felixstowe and Walton United FC vs Tilbury

15:00:00 -

Cambridge City vs Maldon and Tiptree

15:00:00 -

Round 32
Gorleston vs Cambridge City

15:00:00 -

Ipswich Wanderers vs Grays

15:00:00 -

Maldon and Tiptree vs Basildon United

15:00:00 -

Bury Town vs Heybridge Swifts

15:00:00 -

Redbridge vs Brightlingsea Regent

15:00:00 -

Tilbury vs Mildenhall Town

15:00:00 -

Walthamstow vs Felixstowe and Walton United FC

15:00:00 -

Wroxham vs Waltham Abbey

15:00:00 -

Brentwood Town vs Haringey Borough

15:00:00 -

Concord Rangers vs Sporting Bengal United

15:00:00 -

Newmarket Town vs Witham Town

15:00:00 -

Round 33
Cambridge City vs Newmarket Town

15:00:00 -

Felixstowe and Walton United FC vs Concord Rangers

15:00:00 -

Grays vs Brentwood Town

15:00:00 -

Haringey Borough vs Gorleston

15:00:00 -

Mildenhall Town vs Ipswich Wanderers

15:00:00 -

Sporting Bengal United vs Wroxham

15:00:00 -

Waltham Abbey vs Bury Town

15:00:00 -

Witham Town vs Maldon and Tiptree

15:00:00 -

Basildon United vs Walthamstow

15:00:00 -

Brightlingsea Regent vs Tilbury

15:00:00 -

Heybridge Swifts vs Redbridge

15:00:00 -

Round 34
Maldon and Tiptree vs Grays

15:00:00 -

Gorleston vs Witham Town

15:00:00 -

Concord Rangers vs Heybridge Swifts

15:00:00 -

Bury Town vs Cambridge City

15:00:00 -

Brentwood Town vs Felixstowe and Walton United FC

15:00:00 -

Ipswich Wanderers vs Sporting Bengal United

15:00:00 -

Walthamstow vs Brightlingsea Regent

15:00:00 -

Redbridge vs Mildenhall Town

15:00:00 -

Wroxham vs Haringey Borough

15:00:00 -

Tilbury vs Basildon United

15:00:00 -

Newmarket Town vs Waltham Abbey

15:00:00 -

Round 35
Grays vs Cambridge City

15:00:00 -

Haringey Borough vs Witham Town

15:00:00 -

Heybridge Swifts vs Mildenhall Town

15:00:00 -

Ipswich Wanderers vs Maldon and Tiptree

15:00:00 -

Redbridge vs Basildon United

15:00:00 -

Sporting Bengal United vs Walthamstow

15:00:00 -

Wroxham vs Brightlingsea Regent

15:00:00 -

Gorleston vs Concord Rangers

15:00:00 -

Waltham Abbey vs Felixstowe and Walton United FC

15:00:00 -

Brentwood Town vs Newmarket Town

15:00:00 -

Bury Town vs Tilbury

15:00:00 -

Round 36
Basildon United vs Heybridge Swifts

15:00:00 -

Brightlingsea Regent vs Bury Town

15:00:00 -

Cambridge City vs Redbridge

15:00:00 -

Concord Rangers vs Ipswich Wanderers

15:00:00 -

Felixstowe and Walton United FC vs Gorleston

15:00:00 -

Maldon and Tiptree vs Brentwood Town

15:00:00 -

Mildenhall Town vs Sporting Bengal United

15:00:00 -

Newmarket Town vs Haringey Borough

15:00:00 -

Tilbury vs Wroxham

15:00:00 -

Witham Town vs Waltham Abbey

15:00:00 -

Walthamstow vs Grays

15:00:00 -

Round 37
Gorleston vs Tilbury

15:00:00 -

Bury Town vs Walthamstow

15:00:00 -

Brentwood Town vs Mildenhall Town

15:00:00 -

Waltham Abbey vs Maldon and Tiptree

15:00:00 -

Wroxham vs Basildon United

15:00:00 -

Redbridge vs Concord Rangers

15:00:00 -

Sporting Bengal United vs Felixstowe and Walton United FC

15:00:00 -

Ipswich Wanderers vs Newmarket Town

15:00:00 -

Heybridge Swifts vs Brightlingsea Regent

15:00:00 -

Haringey Borough vs Cambridge City

15:00:00 -

Grays vs Witham Town

15:00:00 -

Round 38
Cambridge City vs Ipswich Wanderers

14:00:00 -

Concord Rangers vs Wroxham

14:00:00 -

Felixstowe and Walton United FC vs Heybridge Swifts

14:00:00 -

Maldon and Tiptree vs Bury Town

14:00:00 -

Mildenhall Town vs Haringey Borough

14:00:00 -

Tilbury vs Sporting Bengal United

14:00:00 -

Witham Town vs Brentwood Town

14:00:00 -

Basildon United vs Waltham Abbey

14:00:00 -

Brightlingsea Regent vs Grays

14:00:00 -

Newmarket Town vs Gorleston

14:00:00 -

Walthamstow vs Redbridge

14:00:00 -

Round 39
Ipswich Wanderers vs Wroxham

14:00:00 -

Maldon and Tiptree vs Walthamstow

14:00:00 -

Newmarket Town vs Mildenhall Town

14:00:00 -

Waltham Abbey vs Concord Rangers

14:00:00 -

Witham Town vs Basildon United

14:00:00 -

Brentwood Town vs Tilbury

14:00:00 -

Cambridge City vs Brightlingsea Regent

14:00:00 -

Gorleston vs Sporting Bengal United

14:00:00 -

Grays vs Felixstowe and Walton United FC

14:00:00 -

Haringey Borough vs Heybridge Swifts

14:00:00 -

Bury Town vs Redbridge

14:00:00 -

Round 40
Brightlingsea Regent vs Waltham Abbey

14:00:00 -

Redbridge vs Grays

14:00:00 -

Mildenhall Town vs Witham Town

14:00:00 -

Heybridge Swifts vs Gorleston

14:00:00 -

Felixstowe and Walton United FC vs Maldon and Tiptree

14:00:00 -

Concord Rangers vs Haringey Borough

14:00:00 -

Wroxham vs Brentwood Town

14:00:00 -

Walthamstow vs Cambridge City

14:00:00 -

Basildon United vs Ipswich Wanderers

14:00:00 -

Tilbury vs Newmarket Town

14:00:00 -

Sporting Bengal United vs Bury Town

14:00:00 -

Round 41
Ipswich Wanderers vs Felixstowe and Walton United FC

14:00:00 -

Maldon and Tiptree vs Heybridge Swifts

14:00:00 -

Newmarket Town vs Wroxham

14:00:00 -

Witham Town vs Concord Rangers

14:00:00 -

Grays vs Tilbury

14:00:00 -

Haringey Borough vs Walthamstow

14:00:00 -

Waltham Abbey vs Redbridge

14:00:00 -

Brentwood Town vs Basildon United

14:00:00 -

Bury Town vs Mildenhall Town

14:00:00 -

Cambridge City vs Sporting Bengal United

14:00:00 -

Gorleston vs Brightlingsea Regent

14:00:00 -

Round 42
Basildon United vs Cambridge City

14:00:00 -

Mildenhall Town vs Waltham Abbey

14:00:00 -

Heybridge Swifts vs Ipswich Wanderers

14:00:00 -

Concord Rangers vs Newmarket Town

14:00:00 -

Brightlingsea Regent vs Haringey Borough

14:00:00 -

Walthamstow vs Brentwood Town

14:00:00 -

Tilbury vs Maldon and Tiptree

14:00:00 -

Wroxham vs Bury Town

14:00:00 -

Sporting Bengal United vs Grays

14:00:00 -

Redbridge vs Gorleston

14:00:00 -

Felixstowe and Walton United FC vs Witham Town

14:00:00 -

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