Czech Republic Ice Hockey
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Switzerland Ice Hockey vs Czech Republic Ice Hockey (09 May)

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1993 (32 years old)

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Mens Ice Hockey World Championships
Olympics Ice Hockey

Last Edit
Ovokx: 15/May/21

09 May Switzerland - Czech Republ
11 May Norway Ice h - Czech Republ
12 May Czech Republ - Denmark Ice
15 May Czech Republ - Hungary Ice
17 May Czech Republ - Kazakhstan I

26 May Switzerland 0 - 2 Czech Republ
25 May Sweden Ice H 3 - 7 Czech Republ
23 May USA Ice Hock 0 - 1 Czech Republ
21 May Canada Ice H 4 - 3 Czech Republ
18 May Czech Republ 4 - 1 Great Britai

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The Czech men's national ice hockey team is the national ice hockey team of the Czech Republic. It is one of the most successful national ice hockey teams in the world and a member of the so-called "Big Six", the unofficial group of the six strongest men's ice hockey nations, along with Canada, Finland, Russia, Sweden and the United States. It is governed by the Czech Ice Hockey Association. The Czech Republic has 72,075 players officially enrolled in organized hockey (0.7% of its population).

The Czechs won the gold medal at the 1998 Winter Olympics and won three straight gold medals at the world championships from 1999 to 2001. In the next three years, the team did not get a medal at the world championships—not even home at the 2004 Men's World Ice Hockey Championships held in Prague and Ostrava, thus keeping the "world championship home ice curse" alive. But the following year, the Czechs won gold at the 2005 tournament, the only world championship where, due to the 2004–05 NHL lockout, all NHL players were available to participate.

At the 2006 Winter Olympics, the Czechs won a bronze medal, defeating Russia 3–0 (roster) in the bronze medal game. At the 2006 Men's World Ice Hockey Championships, the Czechs earned silver, falling to Sweden in the final, the only time the Czechs have lost the final game of the tournament. Czech Republic won the 2010 World Championships in Germany. After 2012 the Czechs have not won medals from IIHF tournaments, making it their longest medal drought in history.

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