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Ōshima stable (大島部屋, Ōshima-beya), formerly known as Tomozuna stable (友綱部屋, Tomozuna-beya), is a stable of sumo wrestlers, part of the Isegahama ichimon or group of stables. As of January 2022, it has 11 wrestlers.

The current version of the stable was established in January 1961 by former komusubi Tomoegata. Upon reaching the age of 65 in 1976 he turned the stable over to the former jūryō wrestler Yamatonishiki. In 1989 former sekiwake Kaiki became the stablemaster upon Yamatonishiki's retirement, and eventually produced ōzeki Kaiō.

In April 2012, the stable absorbed seven wrestlers from a previous incarnation of the Ōshima stable, due to Ōshima-oyakata reaching the mandatory retirement age of 65. Among the wrestlers who transferred was former sekiwake Kyokutenhō, who one month later won his first yūshō (or tournament) for his new stable. In February 2014, former ōzeki Kaiō branched off and formed Asakayama stable, taking two wrestlers from Tomozuna with him. In June 2017, Kyokutenhō became the 11th Tomozuna's owner, and the first Mongolian born wrestler to take charge of a stable. He had retired two years earlier and inherited the Ōshima name, but rather than immediately re-establish Ōshima stable, he chose to initially keep the Tomozuna name by swapping elder names with the previous head coach (Kaiki) upon the latter reaching 65 years of age.

On 1 February 2022, Tomozuna stable was renamed Ōshima stable following another swap of elder names between Kyokutenhō and Kaiki.
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