
Slovenia Basketball vs Germany Basketball

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Tue 3rd August 2021 (UTC)
Tue 3rd August 2021 (Local)


timezone flag 01:00:00 UTC

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Olympics Basketball





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Luka Doncic's winning streak with Slovenia will carry right into the Olympic quarterfinals. Doncic just missed the first triple-double in the Olympics in nine years and the Slovenians edged Spain 95-87 on Sunday in a tense and important final game of men's group play.
Slovenia will take on Germany in the quarter-final stage of the 2021 Tokyo Olympics men’s basketball competition in Saitama, Japan. Slovenia have really made an impressive performance in the games already. Considered as underdogs to being the supreme, they have out done marvelousness.
Germany advanced to the quarterfinals as one of the two best third-place teams after winning against Nigeria, 99-92. Germany had their fair share of ups and downs in group B, but managed to qualify to quarterfinals regardless.
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plex icon Olympics Basketball 2021-08-03 Slovenia Basketball vs Germany Basketball.mkv
kodi icon Olympics Basketball 2021-08-03 Slovenia Basketball vs Germany Basketball.S2020E125.mkv
kodi icon (Scraper) Olympics Basketball 20210803 Slovenia Basketball vs Germany Basketball.special

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