Date Thu 14th July 2022 (UTC) Thu 14th July 2022 (Local)
Timestamp 2022-07-14T00:00:00
Time 00:00:00 UTC (00:00:00 Local)
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League European Tour
Season 2022
Location St. Andrews, Old Course
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Description The Open Championship, often referred to as The Open or the British Open, is the oldest golf tournament in the world, and one of the most prestigious. Founded in 1860, it was originally held annually at Prestwick Golf Club in Scotland. Later the venue rotated between a select group of coastal links golf courses in the United Kingdom. It is organised by the R&A.
The Open is one of the four men's major golf tournaments, the others being the Masters Tournament, the PGA Championship and the U.S. Open. Since the PGA Championship moved to May in 2019, the Open has been chronologically the fourth and final major tournament of the year. It is held in mid-July.
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User Comments zag says: 25 Jul 2022 21:56 Exciting last round this year.
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European Tour 2022-07-14 The 150th OPEN.mkv European Tour 2022-07-14 The 150th OPEN.S2022E0.mkv (Scraper) European Tour 2022-07-14 The 150th OPEN.mkv