The Gate Of Victory Day 6

Sun 17th October 2021 (UTC)
Sun 17th October 2021 (Local)


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timezone flag 24-09-21 19:00 (CST Chicago)
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timezone flag 24-09-22 05:30 (IST Kolkata)
timezone flag 24-09-22 09:00 (JST Tokyo)
timezone flag 24-09-22 10:00 (AEDT Sydney)


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Square Poster

Dragon Gate




Kobe Sambo Hall
(369 Attendance)

Video Highlights

Eight Man Tag Team Match
Jason Lee, Kono Mama Ichikawa, Kota Minoura, Super Shisa & Yosuke Santa Maria vs. Natural Vibes (Genki Horiguchi, KING Shimizu, Kzy, Susumu Yokosuka & U-T)

Eight Man Tag Team Match
Kagetora, Mondai Ryu, Shachihoko BOY & Takashi Yoshida vs. Ho Ho Lun, Naruki Doi, Punch Tominaga & Ryo Saito

Six Man Tag Team Match
Don Fujii, Shuji Kondo & Yasushi Kanda vs. Ishin Iihashi, Riki Iihashi & Strong Machine J

Six Man Tag Team Match
R.E.D. (Dia Inferno, Diamante & Eita) vs. MASQUERADE (Dragon Dia, La Estrella & Shun Skywalker)

Eight Man Tag Team Match
R.E.D. (BxB Hulk, H.Y.O, KAI & Kaito Ishida) vs. HIGH-END (Ben-K, Dragon Kid, Keisuke Okuda & YAMATO)

Open The Brave Gate Title Match
SB KENTo (c) vs. Jacky Funky Kamei


Result List

Result Description
Eight Man Tag Team Match
Natural Vibes (Genki Horiguchi, KING Shimizu, Kzy, Susumu Yokosuka & U-T) defeat Jason Lee, Kono Mama Ichikawa, Kota Minoura, Super Shisa & Yosuke Santa Maria (10:28)

Eight Man Tag Team Match
Kagetora, Mondai Ryu, Shachihoko BOY & Takashi Yoshida defeat Ho Ho Lun, Naruki Doi, Punch Tominaga & Ryo Saito (10:10)

Six Man Tag Team Match
Don Fujii, Shuji Kondo & Yasushi Kanda defeat Ishin Iihashi, Riki Iihashi & Strong Machine J (10:31)

Six Man Tag Team Match
MASQUERADE (Dragon Dia, La Estrella & Shun Skywalker) defeat R.E.D. (Dia Inferno, Diamante & Eita) (12:38)

Eight Man Tag Team Match
HIGH-END (Ben-K, Dragon Kid, Keisuke Okuda & YAMATO) defeat R.E.D. (BxB Hulk, H.Y.O, KAI & Kaito Ishida) (10:30)

Open The Brave Gate Title Match
SB KENTo (c) defeats Jacky Funky Kamei (22:38)

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