Date Sun 9th July 2023 (UTC) Sun 9th July 2023 (Local)
Timestamp 2023-07-09T14:00:00
Time 14:00:00 UTC (16:00:00 Local)
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League Extreme E
Season 2023
Location Sardinia
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Description Rosberg X Racing (RXR) took the win in Round 6 of Extreme E Season 3, marking back-to-back victories at the Island X Prix, co-organised and coordinated by the Automobile Club d'Italia and Regione Sardegna
Mikaela Åhlin-Kottulinsky and Johan Kristoffersson reached the top step of the podium for the second time this weekend, becoming the first team to do so in the new double-header format.
The haul of championship points sees the team leapfrog Veloce Racing in the standings, with Nico Rosberg’s outfit now sitting just four points off the lead as we pass the halfway point of the season.
Extreme E 2023-07-09 Island X Prix Race 2.mkv Extreme E 2023-07-09 Island X Prix Race 2.S2023E6.mkv (Scraper) Extreme E 2023-07-09 Island X Prix Race 2.mkv