Saudi Arabia Masters Round 1

Fri 30th August 2024 (UTC)
Fri 30th August 2024 (Local)


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The Saudi Arabia Snooker Masters is a professional snooker ranking tournament held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Organised by the World Snooker Tour, the inaugural event is scheduled to be held from 31 August to 7 September 2024. The tournament will feature a total prize fund of £2,000,000, the second-highest after the World Championship. It is one of snooker's four major tournaments.

In total there will be 144 players in the field.
Round one: Seeds 81-112 v seeds 113-144 (August 30th)


Result List

Result Description
Round one
Best of Seven

1 Rory Thor 4v0 Omar Alajlani
2 Baipat Siripaporn 3v4 Mohamed Elkhayat
3 Chris Totten 4v2 Haris Tahir
4 Michael Holt 4v0 Ahmad Abul
5 Mink Nutcharut 4v1 Kusai Hamed Sharif
6 Reanne Evans 0v4 Simon Blackwell
7 Artemijs Zizins (W/O)v Lim Kok Leong
8 Robbie McGuigan 4v3 Abdulraouf Sayegh
9 Liam Graham 4v0 Ali Hussain Ali
10 Oliver Lines 4v0 Faisal Bahashwan
11 Cheung Ka Wai 4v1 Joshua Thomond
12 Lei Peifan 4v2 Bai Yulu
13 Allan Taylor 4v2 Adeel Aqdus
14 Farakh Ajaib 4v0 Haitham Al Mahri
15 Julien Leclercq 4v2 Dylan Emery
16 Jimmy White 4v2 Mohammed Mustafa Shehab
17 Andrew Pagett 4v2 Wang Yuchen
18 Huang Jiahao 4v0 Ahmed Aly Elsayed
19 Ben Mertens 4v0 Abdullah Alotayyani
20 Antoni Kowalski 4v1 Habib Subah Humood
21 Gong Chenzhi 4v0 Ali Jalil Ali
22 Mitchell Mann 3v4 Paul Deaville
23 Bulcsu Revesz 4v2 Iulian Boiko
24 Dean Young 4v0 Saleh Alamoudi
25 Mostafa Dorgham 1v4 Jonas Luz
26 Haydon Pinhey 4v0 Ayman Alamri
27 M Phetmalaikul 0v4 Amir Sarkhosh
28 Zak Surety 4v0 Ali Al Obaidly
29 Duane Jones 4v1 Khalid Al Kamali
30 Liam Davies 4v3 Ken Doherty
31 Kreishh Gurbaxani 0v4 Sunny Akani
32 Stan Moody 4v0 Ziyad Alqabbani

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