Homecoming Weekend Day 1

Sat 24th August 2024 (UTC)
Sat 24th August 2024 (Local)


timezone flag 00:00:00 UTC

timezone flag 24-09-22 17:00 (PST Los Angeles)
timezone flag 24-09-22 19:00 (CST Chicago)
timezone flag 24-09-22 20:00 (EST New York)
timezone flag 24-09-23 01:00 (GMT London)
timezone flag 24-09-23 02:00 (CET Paris)
timezone flag 24-09-23 04:00 (GST Dubai)
timezone flag 24-09-23 05:30 (IST Kolkata)
timezone flag 24-09-23 09:00 (JST Tokyo)
timezone flag 24-09-23 10:00 (AEDT Sydney)


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Video Highlights

Singles Match
Matthew Justice vs. Zilla Fatu

Singles Match
Tony Deppen vs. Sidney Akeem

Tag Team Match
Brandon Kirk & Kasey Catal vs. Los Macizos (Ciclope & Miedo Extremo)

Death Match
Big F'n Joe vs. John Wayne Murdoch

Non Title Match
Masha Slamovich vs. Galeno Del Mal

Six Man Tag Team Match
Raj Dhesi & The Bollywood Boyz (Gurv Sihra & Harv Sihra) vs. 1 Called Manders & Thrussy (Dark Sheik & Effy)

Singles Match
UltraMantis Black vs. Danhausen

Four Way Match
Megan Bayne vs. Jordynne Grace vs. Vipress vs. Sawyer Wreck

Death Match
Brandon Kirk vs. Drew Parker

Six Man Scramble Match
Fuego Del Sol vs. Alec Price vs. Griffin McCoy vs. Jack Cartwheel vs. Dustin Waller vs. Mr. Danger

GCW World Title Four Way Ladder Match
Mance Warner (c) vs. Matt Cardona vs. Joey Janela vs. Blake Christian


Result List

Result Description
Singles Match
Zilla Fatu defeats Matthew Justice (9:23)

Singles Match
Sidney Akeem defeats Tony Deppen (9:48)

Tag Team Match
Brandon Kirk & Kasey Catal defeat Los Macizos (Ciclope & Miedo Extremo) (9:47)

Death Match
Big F'n Joe defeats John Wayne Murdoch (6:20)

Non Title Match
Masha Slamovich defeats Galeno Del Mal (10:14)

Six Man Tag Team Match
1 Called Manders & Thrussy (Dark Sheik & Effy) defeat Raj Dhesi & The Bollywood Boyz (Gurv Sihra & Harv Sihra) (14:16)

Singles Match
Danhausen defeats UltraMantis Black (7:37)

Four Way Match
Megan Bayne defeats Jordynne Grace and Sawyer Wreck and Vipress (10:45)

Death Match
Drew Parker defeats Brandon Kirk (6:25)

Six Man Scramble Match
Alec Price defeats Dustin Waller and Fuego Del Sol and Griffin McCoy and Jack Cartwheel and Mr. Danger (10:34)

GCW World Title Four Way Ladder Match
Mance Warner (c) defeats Blake Christian and Joey Janela and Matt Cardona (32:05)

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