HonorClub #80

Thu 5th September 2024 (UTC)
Thu 5th September 2024 (Local)


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timezone flag 24-09-18 19:00 (CST Chicago)
timezone flag 24-09-18 20:00 (EST New York)
timezone flag 24-09-19 01:00 (GMT London)
timezone flag 24-09-19 02:00 (CET Paris)
timezone flag 24-09-19 04:00 (GST Dubai)
timezone flag 24-09-19 05:30 (IST Kolkata)
timezone flag 24-09-19 09:00 (JST Tokyo)
timezone flag 24-09-19 10:00 (AEDT Sydney)


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Esports Stadium Arlington
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Video Highlights

Singles Match
Rocky Romero vs. Aaron Solo

Singles Match
Nick Comoroto (w/Jacoby Watts) vs. Lee Johnson

Singles Match
Rachael Ellering vs. Gigi Rey

Tag Team Match
Anthony Henry & BEEF vs. Jay Lucas & Terry Yaki

Tag Team Match
Iron Savages (Boulder & Bronson) (w/Jacked Jameson) vs. Spanish Announce Project (Angelico & Serpentico)

ROH Women's World Television Title Proving Ground Match
Lady Frost vs. Red Velvet

Six Man Tag Team Match
Lance Archer & The Righteous (Dutch & Vincent) vs. Lights Camera Faction (Braxton, Fresco & Watson) (w/Ice Williams)

Singles Match
Diamante vs. Tiara James

Singles Match
Angelo Parker vs. Griff Garrison (w/Maria)

Tag Team Match
Joe Alonzo & Josiah Jean vs. The Premier Athletes (Ariya Daivari & Tony Nese) (w/Mark Sterling)

Tag Team Match
John Silver (w/Alex Reynolds & Evil Uno) vs. Fuego Del Sol

Singles Match
Abadon vs. Rache Chanel

Singles Match
Katsuyori Shibata vs. Josh Woods (w/Mark Sterling)

Singles Match
Taya Valkyrie (w/Johnny TV) vs. Mina Shirakawa


Result List

Result Description
Singles Match
Rocky Romero defeats Aaron Solo (6:55)

Singles Match
Lee Johnson defeats Nick Comoroto (w/Jacoby Watts) (7:11)

Singles Match
Rachael Ellering defeats Gigi Rey (3:46)

Tag Team Match
Anthony Henry & BEEF defeat Jay Lucas & Terry Yaki (5:21)

Tag Team Match
Spanish Announce Project (Angelico & Serpentico) defeat Iron Savages (Boulder & Bronson) (w/Jacked Jameson) (8:56)

ROH Women's World Television Title Proving Ground Match
Red Velvet defeats Lady Frost (7:45)

Six Man Tag Team Match
Lance Archer & The Righteous (Dutch & Vincent) defeat Lights Camera Faction (Braxton, Fresco & Watson) (w/Ice Williams)

Singles Match
Diamante defeats Tiara James (0:47)

Singles Match
Griff Garrison (w/Maria) defeats Angelo Parker (4:00)

Tag Team Match
The Premier Athletes (Ariya Daivari & Tony Nese) (w/Mark Sterling) defeat Joe Alonzo & Josiah Jean (2:35)

Tag Team Match
John Silver (w/Alex Reynolds & Evil Uno) defeats Fuego Del Sol (7:06)

Singles Match
Abadon defeats Rache Chanel (1:39)

Singles Match
Katsuyori Shibata defeats Josh Woods (w/Mark Sterling) (6:08)

Singles Match
Mina Shirakawa defeats Taya Valkyrie (w/Johnny TV) (10:34)

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