Presidents Cup - Round 1

Thu 12th December 2019 (UTC)
Thu 12th December 2019 (Local)


timezone flag 00:00:00 UTC (00:00:00 Local)

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PGA Tour




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The Presidents Cup is a series of men's golf matches between a team representing the United States and an International Team representing the rest of the world minus Europe. Europe competes against the United States in a similar but considerably older event, the Ryder Cup.
The Presidents Cup has been held biennially since 1994. Initially it was held in even numbered years, with the Ryder Cup being held in odd numbered years. However, the cancellation of the 2001 Ryder Cup due to the September 11 attacks pushed both tournaments back a year, and the Presidents Cup is now held in odd numbered years. It is hosted alternately in the United States and in countries represented by the International Team.

Despite losing the opening match, the International team won the session 4–1. This was just the fourth time that the International team had led after the opening session of a Presidents Cup match and the 3 point lead was the largest it had ever had after the opening session.
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Result List

Result Description
Thursday's fourball matches
International / Result / United States

Niemann/Leishman 4 & 3 Woods/Thomas *
Im/Hadwin * 1 up Cantlay/Schauffele
An/Scott * 2 & 1 Finau/DeChambeau
Pan/Matsuyama * 1 up Reed/Simpson
Oosthuizen/Ancer * 4 & 3 Woodland/Johnson
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