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American USL Championship
American USL Championship
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American USL Championship
League Table
Event List
Round 1
Memphis 901 vs Las Vegas Lights
21:00:00 -
New Mexico United vs Pittsburgh Riverhounds
21:00:00 -
North Carolina FC vs Charleston Battery
00:00:00 -
Miami FC vs Colorado Springs Switchbacks
00:00:00 -
San Antonio vs Loudoun United
01:30:00 -
El Paso Locomotive vs Hartford Athletic
02:00:00 -
Phoenix Rising vs Birmingham Legion
02:30:00 -
Oakland Roots vs Indy Eleven
03:00:00 -
Sacramento Republic vs Orange County SC
03:00:00 -
El Paso Locomotive vs Monterey Bay FC
01:00:00 -
Round 2
El Paso Locomotive vs Louisville City
19:00:00 -
Loudoun United vs North Carolina FC
20:00:00 -
Memphis 901 vs Indy Eleven
20:00:00 -
Rhode Island FC vs New Mexico United
20:00:00 -
Miami FC vs Sacramento Republic
23:00:00 -
Pittsburgh Riverhounds vs Orange County SC
23:00:00 -
Tampa Bay Rowdies vs San Antonio
23:30:00 -
Colorado Springs Switchbacks vs Detroit City FC
00:00:00 -
Las Vegas Lights vs FC Tulsa
00:00:00 -
Monterey Bay FC vs Phoenix Rising
02:00:00 -
Round 3
Oakland Roots vs Charleston Battery
02:00:00 -
Hartford Athletic vs Birmingham Legion
18:00:00 -
Detroit City FC vs Loudoun United
20:00:00 -
Louisville City vs Pittsburgh Riverhounds
20:00:00 -
North Carolina FC vs Tampa Bay Rowdies
23:00:00 -
Indy Eleven vs Sacramento Republic
23:00:00 -
Charleston Battery vs New Mexico United
23:30:00 -
Round 4
Las Vegas Lights vs El Paso Locomotive
00:00:00 -
San Antonio vs Colorado Springs Switchbacks
00:30:00 -
Orange County SC vs Miami FC
02:00:00 -
Phoenix Rising vs Oakland Roots
02:00:00 -
Round 4
Monterey Bay FC vs Rhode Island FC
22:00:00 -
Louisville City vs Birmingham Legion
20:00:00 -
Miami FC vs Charleston Battery
22:00:00 -
Indy Eleven vs Detroit City FC
22:00:00 -
Tampa Bay Rowdies vs Rhode Island FC
22:30:00 -
North Carolina FC vs Hartford Athletic
23:00:00 -
Orange County SC vs FC Tulsa
02:00:00 -
Round 5
Sacramento Republic vs Memphis 901
02:00:00 -
Oakland Roots vs Las Vegas Lights
02:00:00 -
Phoenix Rising vs New Mexico United
02:30:00 -
San Antonio vs Monterey Bay FC
23:30:00 -
Round 5
FC Tulsa vs Phoenix Rising
00:30:00 -
Hartford Athletic vs Miami FC
18:00:00 -
Detroit City FC vs North Carolina FC
18:00:00 -
Louisville City vs Indy Eleven
20:00:00 -
Memphis 901 vs Orange County SC
20:00:00 -
Pittsburgh Riverhounds vs Tampa Bay Rowdies
23:00:00 -
Rhode Island FC vs Charleston Battery
23:30:00 -
Round 6
Colorado Springs Switchbacks vs Sacramento Republic
00:00:00 -
New Mexico United vs El Paso Locomotive
01:00:00 -
Round 6
Oakland Roots vs Monterey Bay FC
02:00:00 -
Las Vegas Lights vs San Antonio
02:30:00 -
Birmingham Legion vs Loudoun United
21:00:00 -
Charleston Battery vs Louisville City
23:00:00 -
Miami FC vs Tampa Bay Rowdies
23:00:00 -
Loudoun United vs Memphis 901
20:00:00 -
Indy Eleven vs Charleston Battery
23:00:00 -
Rhode Island FC vs Pittsburgh Riverhounds
23:30:00 -
San Antonio vs Orange County SC
00:30:00 -
Round 7
El Paso Locomotive vs Oakland Roots
01:00:00 -
Sacramento Republic vs FC Tulsa
02:00:00 -
Monterey Bay FC vs Las Vegas Lights
02:00:00 -
Phoenix Rising vs Colorado Springs Switchbacks
02:30:00 -
North Carolina FC vs Birmingham Legion
21:00:00 -
Loudoun United vs Louisville City
20:00:00 -
Round 8
Detroit City FC vs Oakland Roots
20:00:00 -
Hartford Athletic vs San Antonio
21:00:00 -
FC Tulsa vs Charleston Battery
22:00:00 -
Miami FC vs Birmingham Legion
23:00:00 -
North Carolina FC vs New Mexico United
23:00:00 -
Tampa Bay Rowdies vs El Paso Locomotive
23:30:00 -
Round 8
Memphis 901 vs Monterey Bay FC
00:00:00 -
Colorado Springs Switchbacks vs Indy Eleven
00:00:00 -
Las Vegas Lights vs Rhode Island FC
00:00:00 -
Orange County SC vs Sacramento Republic
02:00:00 -
Phoenix Rising vs Pittsburgh Riverhounds
02:30:00 -
Round 9
Rhode Island FC vs Phoenix Rising
23:30:00 -
Charleston Battery vs Las Vegas Lights
20:00:00 -
Indy Eleven vs North Carolina FC
23:00:00 -
Round 9
Pittsburgh Riverhounds vs Detroit City FC
23:00:00 -
Miami FC vs San Antonio
23:00:00 -
Round 9
Louisville City vs Hartford Athletic
23:30:00 -
Tampa Bay Rowdies vs New Mexico United
23:30:00 -
Birmingham Legion vs Memphis 901
23:30:00 -
El Paso Locomotive vs FC Tulsa
01:00:00 -
Sacramento Republic vs Loudoun United
02:00:00 -
Oakland Roots vs Colorado Springs Switchbacks
02:00:00 -
Orange County SC vs Monterey Bay FC
02:00:00 -
Round 10
Memphis 901 vs Tampa Bay Rowdies
20:00:00 -
Charleston Battery vs Hartford Athletic
22:30:00 -
Round 10
Loudoun United vs Detroit City FC
23:00:00 -
Pittsburgh Riverhounds vs Miami FC
23:00:00 -
North Carolina FC vs Rhode Island FC
23:00:00 -
Birmingham Legion vs FC Tulsa
23:30:00 -
San Antonio vs Oakland Roots
00:30:00 -
Colorado Springs Switchbacks vs El Paso Locomotive
01:00:00 -
Monterey Bay FC vs Indy Eleven
02:00:00 -
Las Vegas Lights vs New Mexico United
02:30:00 -
Phoenix Rising vs Sacramento Republic
02:30:00 -
Round 11
Loudoun United vs El Paso Locomotive
23:00:00 -
Detroit City FC vs Phoenix Rising
21:00:00 -
Hartford Athletic vs Colorado Springs Switchbacks
23:00:00 -
Tampa Bay Rowdies vs Birmingham Legion
23:30:00 -
Louisville City vs Orange County SC
23:30:00 -
Rhode Island FC vs Sacramento Republic
23:30:00 -
FC Tulsa vs Pittsburgh Riverhounds
00:30:00 -
San Antonio vs Las Vegas Lights
00:30:00 -
New Mexico United vs Oakland Roots
01:00:00 -
Round 12
Monterey Bay FC vs Memphis 901
02:00:00 -
Miami FC vs Indy Eleven
23:00:00 -
North Carolina FC vs Loudoun United
23:00:00 -
Birmingham Legion vs Charleston Battery
00:00:00 -
El Paso Locomotive vs Memphis 901
01:00:00 -
Colorado Springs Switchbacks vs Rhode Island FC
01:00:00 -
Pittsburgh Riverhounds vs North Carolina FC
23:00:00 -
Indy Eleven vs Hartford Athletic
23:00:00 -
Round 13
Loudoun United vs Monterey Bay FC
23:00:00 -
Tampa Bay Rowdies vs FC Tulsa
23:30:00 -
Round 13
Oakland Roots vs Orange County SC
02:00:00 -
Las Vegas Lights vs Louisville City
02:30:00 -
Round 13
Phoenix Rising vs Miami FC
02:30:00 -
Hartford Athletic vs Monterey Bay FC
23:30:00 -
Charleston Battery vs El Paso Locomotive
23:30:00 -
FC Tulsa vs Oakland Roots
00:30:00 -
Rhode Island FC vs Louisville City
20:00:00 -
Indy Eleven vs Phoenix Rising
23:00:00 -
Miami FC vs North Carolina FC
23:00:00 -
Tampa Bay Rowdies vs Las Vegas Lights
23:30:00 -
Round 14
Memphis 901 vs Pittsburgh Riverhounds
00:30:00 -
New Mexico United vs San Antonio
01:00:00 -
Sacramento Republic vs Birmingham Legion
02:00:00 -
Orange County SC vs Loudoun United
02:00:00 -
Louisville City vs Detroit City FC
23:30:00 -
Monterey Bay FC vs Charleston Battery
02:00:00 -
Loudoun United vs FC Tulsa
23:00:00 -
Pittsburgh Riverhounds vs Indy Eleven
23:00:00 -
Miami FC vs Louisville City
23:00:00 -
Hartford Athletic vs Rhode Island FC
23:00:00 -
Round 15
San Antonio vs Memphis 901
01:00:00 -
El Paso Locomotive vs Birmingham Legion
01:00:00 -
Colorado Springs Switchbacks vs Oakland Roots
01:00:00 -
Orange County SC vs Detroit City FC
02:00:00 -
Sacramento Republic vs Tampa Bay Rowdies
02:00:00 -
Las Vegas Lights vs Phoenix Rising
02:30:00 -
Monterey Bay FC vs New Mexico United
23:00:00 -
San Antonio vs El Paso Locomotive
01:00:00 -
Round 16
Rhode Island FC vs Detroit City FC
23:30:00 -
Charleston Battery vs Pittsburgh Riverhounds
23:30:00 -
Louisville City vs North Carolina FC
00:00:00 -
Round 16
FC Tulsa vs San Antonio
00:30:00 -
Memphis 901 vs Colorado Springs Switchbacks
00:30:00 -
New Mexico United vs Hartford Athletic
01:00:00 -
Oakland Roots vs Tampa Bay Rowdies
02:00:00 -
Monterey Bay FC vs Sacramento Republic
02:00:00 -
Las Vegas Lights vs Miami FC
02:30:00 -
Phoenix Rising vs Orange County SC
03:00:00 -
Birmingham Legion vs Indy Eleven
23:00:00 -
Memphis 901 vs Rhode Island FC
00:00:00 -
Round 17
Loudoun United vs Las Vegas Lights
23:00:00 -
Detroit City FC vs Charleston Battery
20:00:00 -
Hartford Athletic vs Pittsburgh Riverhounds
23:00:00 -
Indy Eleven vs San Antonio
23:00:00 -
Tampa Bay Rowdies vs Louisville City
23:30:00 -
Memphis 901 vs New Mexico United
00:30:00 -
El Paso Locomotive vs Phoenix Rising
01:00:00 -
Colorado Springs Switchbacks vs Orange County SC
01:00:00 -
Sacramento Republic vs Oakland Roots
03:00:00 -
North Carolina FC vs Monterey Bay FC
22:00:00 -
Round 18
Las Vegas Lights vs Colorado Springs Switchbacks
02:30:00 -
Pittsburgh Riverhounds vs Louisville City
23:30:00 -
Birmingham Legion vs San Antonio
00:00:00 -
FC Tulsa vs Miami FC
00:30:00 -
Oakland Roots vs El Paso Locomotive
02:00:00 -
Hartford Athletic vs Tampa Bay Rowdies
23:30:00 -
Round 19
Monterey Bay FC vs Oakland Roots
22:00:00 -
Miami FC vs Loudoun United
23:00:00 -
Indy Eleven vs Orange County SC
23:00:00 -
North Carolina FC vs Pittsburgh Riverhounds
23:30:00 -
Louisville City vs Rhode Island FC
00:00:00 -
Round 19
FC Tulsa vs Sacramento Republic
00:30:00 -
New Mexico United vs Colorado Springs Switchbacks
01:00:00 -
Las Vegas Lights vs Memphis 901
02:30:00 -
Phoenix Rising vs Charleston Battery
02:30:00 -
Detroit City FC vs Birmingham Legion
23:00:00 -
Rhode Island FC vs El Paso Locomotive
23:30:00 -
Charleston Battery vs North Carolina FC
23:30:00 -
Memphis 901 vs Phoenix Rising
00:30:00 -
Round 20
Miami FC vs Detroit City FC
23:00:00 -
Loudoun United vs Tampa Bay Rowdies
23:30:00 -
Birmingham Legion vs Louisville City
23:30:00 -
Colorado Springs Switchbacks vs Monterey Bay FC
01:00:00 -
Round 20
San Antonio vs New Mexico United
01:00:00 -
Orange County SC vs Oakland Roots
02:00:00 -
Las Vegas Lights vs Pittsburgh Riverhounds
02:30:00 -
Sacramento Republic vs Hartford Athletic
03:00:00 -
Loudoun United vs Hartford Athletic
23:30:00 -
New Mexico United vs Orange County SC
01:00:00 -
Sacramento Republic vs Las Vegas Lights
02:30:00 -
Round 21
Colorado Springs Switchbacks vs FC Tulsa
01:00:00 -
Charleston Battery vs Birmingham Legion
23:00:00 -
Rhode Island FC vs Indy Eleven
23:30:00 -
Detroit City FC vs Tampa Bay Rowdies
23:00:00 -
Pittsburgh Riverhounds vs Monterey Bay FC
23:00:00 -
North Carolina FC vs Miami FC
23:30:00 -
San Antonio vs Phoenix Rising
01:00:00 -
Orange County SC vs Memphis 901
02:00:00 -
Oakland Roots vs Louisville City
02:00:00 -
Round 22
Hartford Athletic vs Charleston Battery
23:30:00 -
El Paso Locomotive vs Las Vegas Lights
01:00:00 -
Detroit City FC vs Memphis 901
20:00:00 -
Indy Eleven vs Loudoun United
23:00:00 -
Pittsburgh Riverhounds vs Oakland Roots
23:00:00 -
Miami FC vs Rhode Island FC
23:00:00 -
Birmingham Legion vs Colorado Springs Switchbacks
23:30:00 -
Tampa Bay Rowdies vs Orange County SC
23:30:00 -
Monterey Bay FC vs FC Tulsa
02:00:00 -
Sacramento Republic vs North Carolina FC
03:00:00 -
Round 23
Birmingham Legion vs Rhode Island FC
00:00:00 -
North Carolina FC vs Detroit City FC
23:30:00 -
Charleston Battery vs Miami FC
23:30:00 -
Louisville City vs Colorado Springs Switchbacks
00:00:00 -
Phoenix Rising vs El Paso Locomotive
03:00:00 -
Indy Eleven vs Tampa Bay Rowdies
23:00:00 -
Round 24
Pittsburgh Riverhounds vs Hartford Athletic
00:00:00 -
FC Tulsa vs Memphis 901
00:30:00 -
New Mexico United vs Birmingham Legion
01:00:00 -
Orange County SC vs San Antonio
02:00:00 -
Oakland Roots vs Sacramento Republic
20:00:00 -
Round 24
Loudoun United vs Charleston Battery
15:00:00 -
Hartford Athletic vs Phoenix Rising
23:30:00 -
FC Tulsa vs Indy Eleven
00:30:00 -
Colorado Springs Switchbacks vs Las Vegas Lights
01:00:00 -
Miami FC vs Oakland Roots
23:00:00 -
Pittsburgh Riverhounds vs Loudoun United
23:00:00 -
Round 25
Detroit City FC vs Sacramento Republic
23:00:00 -
Tampa Bay Rowdies vs Charleston Battery
23:30:00 -
Round 25
Birmingham Legion vs Orange County SC
23:30:00 -
Rhode Island FC vs North Carolina FC
23:30:00 -
Louisville City vs Monterey Bay FC
00:00:00 -
Round 25
Memphis 901 vs San Antonio
00:30:00 -
El Paso Locomotive vs New Mexico United
01:00:00 -
Hartford Athletic vs Detroit City FC
23:30:00 -
New Mexico United vs Las Vegas Lights
01:00:00 -
Charleston Battery vs Indy Eleven
23:30:00 -
Detroit City FC vs Rhode Island FC
20:00:00 -
Loudoun United vs Miami FC
23:30:00 -
Birmingham Legion vs Hartford Athletic
23:30:00 -
Round 26
Memphis 901 vs El Paso Locomotive
00:30:00 -
San Antonio vs FC Tulsa
01:00:00 -
Colorado Springs Switchbacks vs Phoenix Rising
01:00:00 -
New Mexico United vs Louisville City
01:00:00 -
Sacramento Republic vs Pittsburgh Riverhounds
02:00:00 -
Orange County SC vs North Carolina FC
02:00:00 -
Monterey Bay FC vs Tampa Bay Rowdies
02:00:00 -
Detroit City FC vs Pittsburgh Riverhounds
23:00:00 -
Indy Eleven vs Rhode Island FC
23:00:00 -
FC Tulsa vs Orange County SC
00:30:00 -
Round 27
Pittsburgh Riverhounds vs San Antonio
23:00:00 -
Rhode Island FC vs Hartford Athletic
23:30:00 -
North Carolina FC vs Colorado Springs Switchbacks
23:30:00 -
Charleston Battery vs Memphis 901
23:30:00 -
Louisville City vs Sacramento Republic
01:00:00 -
El Paso Locomotive vs Miami FC
01:00:00 -
Oakland Roots vs Loudoun United
02:00:00 -
Monterey Bay FC vs Birmingham Legion
02:00:00 -
Las Vegas Lights vs Detroit City FC
02:30:00 -
Phoenix Rising vs Tampa Bay Rowdies
03:00:00 -
Round 28
Indy Eleven vs New Mexico United
21:00:00 -
Miami FC vs Memphis 901
23:00:00 -
Round 28
New Mexico United vs FC Tulsa
01:00:00 -
Sacramento Republic vs El Paso Locomotive
02:30:00 -
Birmingham Legion vs Detroit City FC
00:00:00 -
Hartford Athletic vs Las Vegas Lights
23:00:00 -
Pittsburgh Riverhounds vs Colorado Springs Switchbacks
23:00:00 -
Tampa Bay Rowdies vs Loudoun United
23:30:00 -
Rhode Island FC vs Oakland Roots
23:30:00 -
Louisville City vs Charleston Battery
00:00:00 -
Memphis 901 vs FC Tulsa
00:30:00 -
Round 29
San Antonio vs North Carolina FC
01:00:00 -
New Mexico United vs Monterey Bay FC
01:00:00 -
Orange County SC vs El Paso Locomotive
02:00:00 -
Tampa Bay Rowdies vs Detroit City FC
23:30:00 -
Detroit City FC vs FC Tulsa
23:00:00 -
Hartford Athletic vs Louisville City
23:00:00 -
Loudoun United vs Rhode Island FC
23:30:00 -
Tampa Bay Rowdies vs Miami FC
23:30:00 -
Birmingham Legion vs Pittsburgh Riverhounds
23:30:00 -
Charleston Battery vs Orange County SC
23:30:00 -
Round 30
Colorado Springs Switchbacks vs New Mexico United
01:00:00 -
Monterey Bay FC vs El Paso Locomotive
02:00:00 -
Oakland Roots vs Memphis 901
02:00:00 -
Las Vegas Lights vs Indy Eleven
02:30:00 -
Sacramento Republic vs San Antonio
03:00:00 -
Phoenix Rising vs North Carolina FC
03:00:00 -
Colorado Springs Switchbacks vs Memphis 901
01:00:00 -
Round 31
Oakland Roots vs New Mexico United
22:00:00 -
Round 38
Miami FC vs Monterey Bay FC
23:00:00 -
Detroit City FC vs Hartford Athletic
23:00:00 -
Round 31
Indy Eleven vs Pittsburgh Riverhounds
23:00:00 -
Loudoun United vs Phoenix Rising
23:30:00 -
Round 31
North Carolina FC vs Louisville City
23:30:00 -
Rhode Island FC vs Birmingham Legion
23:30:00 -
Round 31
San Antonio vs Charleston Battery
01:00:00 -
Orange County SC vs Las Vegas Lights
02:00:00 -
FC Tulsa vs Colorado Springs Switchbacks
22:00:00 -
Louisville City vs Loudoun United
23:30:00 -
New Mexico United vs Miami FC
01:00:00 -
Phoenix Rising vs FC Tulsa
03:00:00 -
Round 32
Pittsburgh Riverhounds vs Rhode Island FC
23:00:00 -
Hartford Athletic vs Indy Eleven
23:00:00 -
Charleston Battery vs Sacramento Republic
23:30:00 -
North Carolina FC vs Oakland Roots
23:30:00 -
Round 32
El Paso Locomotive vs Detroit City FC
01:00:00 -
Colorado Springs Switchbacks vs Tampa Bay Rowdies
01:00:00 -
Monterey Bay FC vs San Antonio
02:00:00 -
Memphis 901 vs Hartford Athletic
00:00:00 -
Birmingham Legion vs Tampa Bay Rowdies
00:00:00 -
FC Tulsa vs Las Vegas Lights
00:30:00 -
Detroit City FC vs New Mexico United
23:00:00 -
Round 33
Loudoun United vs Birmingham Legion
23:00:00 -
Miami FC vs Hartford Athletic
23:00:00 -
Indy Eleven vs El Paso Locomotive
23:00:00 -
Tampa Bay Rowdies vs Pittsburgh Riverhounds
23:30:00 -
Memphis 901 vs North Carolina FC
00:00:00 -
Colorado Springs Switchbacks vs Charleston Battery
00:00:00 -
FC Tulsa vs Louisville City
00:30:00 -
Sacramento Republic vs Phoenix Rising
02:00:00 -
Oakland Roots vs San Antonio
02:00:00 -
Orange County SC vs Rhode Island FC
02:00:00 -
Round 34
Las Vegas Lights vs Monterey Bay FC
02:30:00 -
New Mexico United vs Sacramento Republic
01:00:00 -
Round 34
Hartford Athletic vs Oakland Roots
23:00:00 -
Charleston Battery vs Tampa Bay Rowdies
23:30:00 -
North Carolina FC vs Indy Eleven
23:30:00 -
Rhode Island FC vs FC Tulsa
23:30:00 -
El Paso Locomotive vs Colorado Springs Switchbacks
01:00:00 -
Round 35
Monterey Bay FC vs Orange County SC
02:00:00 -
Phoenix Rising vs San Antonio
02:30:00 -
Las Vegas Lights vs Sacramento Republic
02:30:00 -
Detroit City FC vs Louisville City
19:00:00 -
Round 35
New Mexico United vs Loudoun United
20:00:00 -
Birmingham Legion vs Miami FC
21:00:00 -
Orange County SC vs Phoenix Rising
02:30:00 -
Round 36
El Paso Locomotive vs North Carolina FC
19:00:00 -
Indy Eleven vs Miami FC
23:00:00 -
Round 36
Pittsburgh Riverhounds vs Birmingham Legion
23:00:00 -
Louisville City vs Memphis 901
23:30:00 -
Round 35
Colorado Springs Switchbacks vs Loudoun United
00:00:00 -
San Antonio vs Rhode Island FC
00:30:00 -
Monterey Bay FC vs Detroit City FC
02:00:00 -
Phoenix Rising vs Las Vegas Lights
02:30:00 -
Round 36
Oakland Roots vs FC Tulsa
22:00:00 -
Sacramento Republic vs New Mexico United
00:30:00 -
Louisville City vs Miami FC
23:30:00 -
Phoenix Rising vs Monterey Bay FC
02:30:00 -
Round 37
Charleston Battery vs Detroit City FC
20:00:00 -
Indy Eleven vs Louisville City
23:00:00 -
Miami FC vs Pittsburgh Riverhounds
23:00:00 -
Hartford Athletic vs Loudoun United
23:00:00 -
Rhode Island FC vs Tampa Bay Rowdies
23:30:00 -
Round 37
Memphis 901 vs Oakland Roots
00:00:00 -
San Antonio vs Sacramento Republic
00:30:00 -
FC Tulsa vs El Paso Locomotive
00:30:00 -
Las Vegas Lights vs Orange County SC
02:30:00 -
Birmingham Legion vs North Carolina FC
22:00:00 -
Loudoun United vs Indy Eleven
23:00:00 -
North Carolina FC vs FC Tulsa
23:00:00 -
Round 38
New Mexico United vs Phoenix Rising
01:00:00 -
El Paso Locomotive vs San Antonio
01:00:00 -
Round 38
Orange County SC vs Colorado Springs Switchbacks
02:00:00 -
Sacramento Republic vs Monterey Bay FC
02:00:00 -
Round 38
Detroit City FC vs Indy Eleven
20:00:00 -
Pittsburgh Riverhounds vs Charleston Battery
23:00:00 -
Louisville City vs Tampa Bay Rowdies
23:30:00 -
Hartford Athletic vs North Carolina FC
23:30:00 -
Memphis 901 vs Sacramento Republic
00:00:00 -
Round 39
Colorado Springs Switchbacks vs San Antonio
00:00:00 -
FC Tulsa vs New Mexico United
00:30:00 -
Round 39
Oakland Roots vs Phoenix Rising
02:00:00 -
Rhode Island FC vs Loudoun United
20:00:00 -
Round 39
Birmingham Legion vs Las Vegas Lights
22:00:00 -
El Paso Locomotive vs Orange County SC
01:00:00 -
Detroit City FC vs Miami FC
20:00:00 -
Tampa Bay Rowdies vs North Carolina FC
21:00:00 -
Loudoun United vs Pittsburgh Riverhounds
22:00:00 -
Round 40
FC Tulsa vs Hartford Athletic
22:00:00 -
Indy Eleven vs Birmingham Legion
23:00:00 -
Charleston Battery vs Rhode Island FC
23:30:00 -
San Antonio vs Louisville City
00:30:00 -
Round 40
El Paso Locomotive vs Sacramento Republic
01:00:00 -
Monterey Bay FC vs Colorado Springs Switchbacks
02:00:00 -
Orange County SC vs New Mexico United
02:00:00 -
Phoenix Rising vs Memphis 901
02:30:00 -
Las Vegas Lights vs Oakland Roots
02:30:00 -
Tampa Bay Rowdies vs Hartford Athletic
23:30:00 -
Round 40
Charleston Battery vs Loudoun United
23:00:00 -
North Carolina FC vs Las Vegas Lights
00:00:00 -
Round 41
Pittsburgh Riverhounds vs El Paso Locomotive
00:00:00 -
Louisville City vs Phoenix Rising
00:30:00 -
Round 41
Tampa Bay Rowdies vs Indy Eleven
00:30:00 -
FC Tulsa vs Monterey Bay FC
01:00:00 -
New Mexico United vs Memphis 901
01:00:00 -
Rhode Island FC vs Miami FC
01:00:00 -
Round 41
San Antonio vs Detroit City FC
01:30:00 -
Sacramento Republic vs Colorado Springs Switchbacks
02:00:00 -
Orange County SC vs Hartford Athletic
02:00:00 -
Oakland Roots vs Birmingham Legion
02:00:00 -
Las Vegas Lights vs Sacramento Republic
02:30:00 -
Memphis 901 vs Orange County SC
18:00:00 -
Charleston Battery vs Pittsburgh Riverhounds
22:30:00 -
Detroit City FC vs Tampa Bay Rowdies
23:00:00 -
Louisville City vs North Carolina FC
23:30:00 -
Colorado Springs Switchbacks vs Oakland Roots
00:00:00 -
Indy Eleven vs Rhode Island FC
18:00:00 -
New Mexico United vs Phoenix Rising
01:00:00 -
Louisville City vs Rhode Island FC
00:30:00 -
New Mexico United vs Las Vegas Lights
02:30:00 -
Charleston Battery vs Tampa Bay Rowdies
20:00:00 -
Colorado Springs Switchbacks vs Orange County SC
23:30:00 -
Charleston Battery vs Rhode Island FC
00:00:00 -
Colorado Springs Switchbacks vs Las Vegas Lights
02:00:00 -
Colorado Springs Switchbacks vs Rhode Island FC
17:00:00 -
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