Ghanaian Premier League

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Ghanaian Premier League


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Event List
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07 Sep 24 Dreams FC0 - 0 Samartex
07 Sep 24 Vision0 - 0 Berekum Chel
08 Sep 24 Nations FC0 - 0 Bechem Unite
08 Sep 24 Karela Unite0 - 1 Asante Kotok
08 Sep 24 Aduana Stars1 - 1 Heart of Lio
08 Sep 24 Bibiani Gold2 - 1 Legon Cities
08 Sep 24 Hearts of Oa0 - 1 Basake Holy
08 Sep 24 Nsoatreman2 - 0 Young Apostl
08 Sep 24 Medeama1 - 0 Accra Lions

13 Sep 24 Asante KotokP - P Nsoatreman
13 Sep 24 SamartexP - P Bibiani Gold
14 Sep 24 Legon Cities0 - 1 Medeama
15 Sep 24 Berekum Chel1 - 0 Karela Unite
15 Sep 24 Bechem Unite0 - 0 Aduana Stars
15 Sep 24 Heart of Lio2 - 0 Hearts of Oa
15 Sep 24 Young Apostl0 - 0 Nations FC
15 Sep 24 Basake Holy 0 - 0 Dreams FC
16 Sep 24 Accra Lions0 - 2 Vision

20 Sep 24 NsoatremanP - P Berekum Chel
20 Sep 24 MedeamaP - P Samartex

21 Sep 24 Vision1 - 1 Legon Cities
22 Sep 24 Karela Unite - Accra Lions
22 Sep 24 Aduana Stars - Nations FC
22 Sep 24 Bibiani Gold - Basake Holy
22 Sep 24 Asante Kotok - Young Apostl
22 Sep 24 Hearts of Oa - Bechem Unite
23 Sep 24 Dreams FC - Heart of Lio

27 Sep 24 Heart of Lio - Bibiani Gold
27 Sep 24 Accra Lions - Nsoatreman
27 Sep 24 Bechem Unite - Dreams FC
27 Sep 24 Legon Cities - Karela Unite
27 Sep 24 Basake Holy - Medeama
27 Sep 24 Nations FC - Hearts of Oa
27 Sep 24 Berekum Chel - Asante Kotok
27 Sep 24 Young Apostl - Aduana Stars
27 Sep 24 Samartex - Vision

04 Oct 24 Hearts of Oa - Aduana Stars
04 Oct 24 Karela Unite - Samartex
04 Oct 24 Asante Kotok - Accra Lions
04 Oct 24 Dreams FC - Nations FC
04 Oct 24 Bibiani Gold - Bechem Unite
04 Oct 24 Medeama - Heart of Lio
04 Oct 24 Nsoatreman - Legon Cities
04 Oct 24 Vision - Basake Holy
04 Oct 24 Berekum Chel - Young Apostl

11 Oct 24 Legon Cities - Asante Kotok
11 Oct 24 Accra Lions - Berekum Chel
11 Oct 24 Aduana Stars - Dreams FC
11 Oct 24 Bechem Unite - Medeama
11 Oct 24 Nations FC - Bibiani Gold
11 Oct 24 Samartex - Nsoatreman
11 Oct 24 Heart of Lio - Vision
11 Oct 24 Young Apostl - Hearts of Oa
11 Oct 24 Basake Holy - Karela Unite

18 Oct 24 Asante Kotok - Samartex
18 Oct 24 Berekum Chel - Legon Cities
18 Oct 24 Karela Unite - Heart of Lio
18 Oct 24 Bibiani Gold - Aduana Stars
18 Oct 24 Dreams FC - Hearts of Oa
18 Oct 24 Medeama - Nations FC
18 Oct 24 Accra Lions - Young Apostl
18 Oct 24 Nsoatreman - Basake Holy
18 Oct 24 Vision - Bechem Unite

25 Oct 24 Bechem Unite - Karela Unite
25 Oct 24 Young Apostl - Dreams FC
25 Oct 24 Legon Cities - Accra Lions
25 Oct 24 Heart of Lio - Nsoatreman
25 Oct 24 Samartex - Berekum Chel
25 Oct 24 Hearts of Oa - Bibiani Gold
25 Oct 24 Aduana Stars - Medeama
25 Oct 24 Nations FC - Vision
25 Oct 24 Basake Holy - Asante Kotok

01 Nov 24 Medeama - Hearts of Oa
01 Nov 24 Karela Unite - Nations FC
01 Nov 24 Vision - Aduana Stars
01 Nov 24 Nsoatreman - Bechem Unite
01 Nov 24 Berekum Chel - Basake Holy
01 Nov 24 Bibiani Gold - Dreams FC
01 Nov 24 Asante Kotok - Heart of Lio
01 Nov 24 Legon Cities - Young Apostl
01 Nov 24 Accra Lions - Samartex

08 Nov 24 Basake Holy - Accra Lions
08 Nov 24 Hearts of Oa - Vision
08 Nov 24 Young Apostl - Bibiani Gold
08 Nov 24 Heart of Lio - Berekum Chel
08 Nov 24 Aduana Stars - Karela Unite
08 Nov 24 Samartex - Legon Cities
08 Nov 24 Dreams FC - Medeama
08 Nov 24 Nations FC - Nsoatreman
08 Nov 24 Bechem Unite - Asante Kotok

15 Nov 24 Samartex - Young Apostl
15 Nov 24 Vision - Dreams FC
15 Nov 24 Legon Cities - Basake Holy
15 Nov 24 Nsoatreman - Aduana Stars
15 Nov 24 Karela Unite - Hearts of Oa
15 Nov 24 Asante Kotok - Nations FC
15 Nov 24 Accra Lions - Heart of Lio
15 Nov 24 Medeama - Bibiani Gold
15 Nov 24 Berekum Chel - Bechem Unite

22 Nov 24 Aduana Stars - Asante Kotok

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